* @brief Configures the TIMx channel 1 polarity.
* @param TIMx: where x can be 1 to 17 except 6 and 7 to select the TIM peripheral.
* @param TIM_OCPolarity: specifies the OC1 Polarity
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg TIM_OCPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
* @arg TIM_OCPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
* @retval None
void TIM_OC1PolarityConfig(TIM_TypeDef* TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCPolarity)
uint16_t tmpccer = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
tmpccer = TIMx->CCER;
/* Set or Reset the CC1P Bit */
tmpccer &= (uint16_t)~((uint16_t)TIM_CCER_CC1P);
tmpccer |= TIM_OCPolarity;
/* Write to TIMx CCER register */
TIMx->CCER = tmpccer;