 
- 积分
- 4896
- 金钱
- 4896
- 注册时间
- 2019-5-8
- 在线时间
- 1248 小时
2) 章节摘自【正点原子】《I.MX6U嵌入式Qt开发指南 V1.0》
第十二章 多媒体
12.1 Qt多媒体简介
Qt从4.4版本开始提供的一套多媒体框架,提供多媒体回放的功能。在Qt 4.6中实现多媒体播放图形界面主要依赖phonon框架。phonon最初是 一个 源于KDE的项目,为使用音频和视频的应用程序开发提供的一个框架。应用程序不用去管多媒体播放是通过什么实现的(如gstreamer、xine),只需调用相应的接口就行,但这中间需要一个中转,被称为backend。Qt也是通过phonon来实现跨平台的多媒体播放。
从Qt5开始,Qt就弃用了phonon,直接使用Qt Multimedia模块。我们可以Qt Multimedia模块来提供的类实现跨平台的多媒体播放了。使用Qt Multimedia就不需要中转了,但是底层还是需要多媒体插件实现的。Qt只是提供多媒体接口,播放多媒体实际上是通过多媒体插件实现的,我们不需要管这些插件是什么,Qt在不同平台使用的多媒体插件不同。本章将会介绍如何在Windows和Linux安装多媒体插件,Mac系统不考虑,编者条件有限!
Ubuntu16 / Ubuntu18,需要安装以下插件。播放音乐需要安装Gst解码插件。需要在终端输入如下指令,注意不要复制错误了,下面指令已经在Ubuntu16/Ubuntu18测试成功,如果读者Ubuntu没有配置网络这与源服务器,这些导致安装不成功与本教程无关,确实需要读者好好打下Ubuntu操作的基础了!
- sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio gstreamer1.0-libav
12.2 音效文件播放
12.2.1 应用实例
- 13_button_sound.pro编程后的代码
- 1 QT += core gui multimedia
- 2
- 3 greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
- 4
- 5 CONFIG += c++11
- 6
- 7 # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
- 8 # any Qt feature that has been marked deprecated (the exact warnings
- 9 # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the
- 10 # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.
- 12
- 13 # You can also make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs.
- 14 # In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
- 15 # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt.
- 16 #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
- 17
- 18 SOURCES += \
- 19 main.cpp \
- 20 mainwindow.cpp
- 21
- 22 HEADERS += \
- 23 mainwindow.h
- 24
- 25 # Default rules for deployment.
- 26 qnx: target.path = /tmp/${TARGET}/bin
- 27 else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/${TARGET}/bin
- 28 !isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target
- 29
- 30 RESOURCES += \
- 31 src.qrc
- mainwindow.h编程后的代码
- /******************************************************************
- Copyright © Deng Zhimao Co., Ltd. 1990-2021. All rights reserved.
- * @projectName 13_button_sound
- * @brief mainwindow.h
- * [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=90321]@Author[/url] Deng Zhimao
- * [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=55957]@EMAIL[/url] <a href="mailto:1252699831@qq.com">1252699831@qq.com</a>
- * [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=28414]@net[/url] <a href="www.openedv.com" target="_blank">www.openedv.com</a>
- * @date 2021-04-20
- *******************************************************************/
- 1 #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H
- 2 #define MAINWINDOW_H
- 3
- 4 #include <QMainWindow>
- 5 #include <QSound>
- 6 #include <QPushButton>
- 7
- 8 class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
- 9 {
- 11
- 12 public:
- 13 MainWindow(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
- 14 ~MainWindow();
- 15
- 16 private:
- 17 /* 按钮 */
- 18 QPushButton *pushButton;
- 19
- 20 private slots:
- 21 /* 按钮点击槽函数 */
- 22 void pushButtonClicked();
- 23
- 24 };
- 25 #endif // MAINWINDOW_H
- 26
- mainwindow.cpp编程后的代码
- /******************************************************************
- Copyright © Deng Zhimao Co., Ltd. 1990-2021. All rights reserved.
- * @projectName 13_button_sound
- * @brief mainwindow.cpp
- * @author Deng Zhimao
- * @email <a href="mailto:1252699831@qq.com">1252699831@qq.com</a>
- * @net <a href="www.openedv.com" target="_blank">www.openedv.com</a>
- * @date 2021-04-20
- *******************************************************************/
- 1 #include "mainwindow.h"
- 2
- 3 MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
- 4 : QMainWindow(parent)
- 5 {
- 6 /* 设置主窗体的位置与大小 */
- 7 this->setGeometry(0, 0, 800, 480);
- 8
- 9 /* 实例化按钮 */
- 10 pushButton = new QPushButton(this);
- 11
- 12 /* 设置按钮文本 */
- 13 pushButton->setText("按钮音效测试");
- 14
- 15 /* 设置按钮的位置与大小 */
- 16 pushButton->setGeometry(340, 220, 120, 40);
- 17
- 18 /* 信号槽连接 */
- 19 connect(pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
- 20 this, SLOT(pushButtonClicked()));
- 21 }
- 22
- 23 MainWindow::~MainWindow()
- 24 {
- 25 }
- 26
- 27 void MainWindow::pushButtonClicked()
- 28 {
- 29 /* 异步的方式播放 */
- 30 QSound::play(":/audio/bell.wav");
- 31 }
12.2.1 程序运行效果
12.3 音乐播放器
QMediaPlayer提供了很多信号,我们可以使用这些信号来完成音乐播放器的一系列操作,比如媒体状态改变的信号stateChanged(QMediaPlayer::State state),判断这个state的状态就可以知道什么时候媒体暂停、播放、停止了。Qt在媒体播放类已经提供了很多功能函数给我们使用,像直接使用play()函数就可以实现音乐文件的播放,前提我们需要知道媒体文件的路径。pause()函数可以直接暂停媒体播放等等,这些都可以在Qt帮助文档里查看QMediaPlayer类的使用方法就可以知道。不再一一列出。
12.3.1 应用实例
- 14_musicplayer.pro编程后的代码
- 1 QT += core gui multimedia
- 2
- 3 greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
- 4
- 5 CONFIG += c++11
- 6
- 7 # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
- 8 # any Qt feature that has been marked deprecated (the exact warnings
- 9 # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the
- 10 # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.
- 12
- 13 # You can also make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs.
- 14 # In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
- 15 # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt.
- 16 #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
- 17
- 18 SOURCES += \
- 19 main.cpp \
- 20 mainwindow.cpp
- 21
- 22 HEADERS += \
- 23 mainwindow.h
- 24
- 25 # Default rules for deployment.
- 26 qnx: target.path = /tmp/${TARGET}/bin
- 27 else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/${TARGET}/bin
- 28 !isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target
- 29
- 30 RESOURCES += \
- 31 res.qrc
- mainwindow.cpp编程后的代码
- /******************************************************************
- Copyright © Deng Zhimao Co., Ltd. 1990-2021. All rights reserved.
- * @projectName 14_musicplayer
- * @brief mainwindow.cpp
- * @author Deng Zhimao
- * @email <a href="mailto:1252699831@qq.com">1252699831@qq.com</a>
- * @net <a href="www.openedv.com" target="_blank">www.openedv.com</a>
- * @date 2021-04-20
- *******************************************************************/
- 1 #include "mainwindow.h"
- 2 #include <QCoreApplication>
- 3 #include <QFileInfoList>
- 4 #include <QDir>
- 5
- 6 MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
- 7 : QMainWindow(parent)
- 8 {
- 9 /* 布局初始化 */
- 10 musicLayout();
- 11
- 12 /* 媒体播放器初始化 */
- 13 mediaPlayerInit();
- 14
- 15 /* 扫描歌曲 */
- 16 scanSongs();
- 17
- 18 /* 按钮信号槽连接 */
- 19 connect(pushButton[0], SIGNAL(clicked()),
- 20 this, SLOT(btn_previous_clicked()));
- 21 connect(pushButton[1], SIGNAL(clicked()),
- 22 this, SLOT(btn_play_clicked()));
- 23 connect(pushButton[2], SIGNAL(clicked()),
- 24 this, SLOT(btn_next_clicked()));
- 25
- 26 /* 媒体信号槽连接 */
- 27 connect(musicPlayer,
- 28 SIGNAL(stateChanged(QMediaPlayer::State)),
- 29 this,
- 30 SLOT(mediaPlayerStateChanged(QMediaPlayer::State)));
- 31 connect(mediaPlaylist,
- 32 SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),
- 33 this,
- 34 SLOT(mediaPlaylistCurrentIndexChanged(int)));
- 35 connect(musicPlayer, SIGNAL(durationChanged(qint64)),
- 36 this,
- 37 SLOT(musicPlayerDurationChanged(qint64)));
- 38 connect(musicPlayer,
- 39 SIGNAL(positionChanged(qint64)),
- 40 this,
- 41 SLOT(mediaPlayerPositionChanged(qint64)));
- 42
- 43 /* 列表信号槽连接 */
- 44 connect(listWidget, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QListWidgetItem*)),
- 45 this, SLOT(listWidgetCliked(QListWidgetItem*)));
- 46
- 47 /* slider信号槽连接 */
- 48 connect(durationSlider, SIGNAL(sliderReleased()),
- 49 this, SLOT(durationSliderReleased()));
- 50
- 51 /* 失去焦点 */
- 52 this->setFocus();
- 53 }
- 54
- 55 void MainWindow::musicLayout()
- 56 {
- 57 /* 设置位置与大小,这里固定为800, 480 */
- 58 this->setGeometry(0, 0, 800, 480);
- 59 QPalette pal;
- 60
- 61 /* 按钮 */
- 62 for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
- 63 pushButton<i> = new QPushButton();
- 64
- 65 /* 标签 */
- 66 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- 67 label<i> = new QLabel();
- 68
- 69 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- 70 /* 垂直容器 */
- 71 vWidget<i> = new QWidget();
- 72 vWidget<i>->setAutoFillBackground(true);
- 73 /* 垂直布局 */
- 74 vBoxLayout<i> = new QVBoxLayout();
- 75 }
- 76
- 77 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- 78 /* 水平容器 */
- 79 hWidget<i> = new QWidget();
- 80 hWidget<i>->setAutoFillBackground(true);
- 81 /* 水平布局 */
- 82 hBoxLayout<i> = new QHBoxLayout();
- 83 }
- 84
- 85 /* 播放进度条 */
- 86 durationSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
- 87 durationSlider->setMinimumSize(300, 15);
- 88 durationSlider->setMaximumHeight(15);
- 89 durationSlider->setObjectName("durationSlider");
- 90
- 91 /* 音乐列表 */
- 92 listWidget = new QListWidget();
- 93 listWidget->setObjectName("listWidget");
- 94 listWidget->resize(310, 265);
- 95 listWidget->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(
- 96 Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
- 97 listWidget->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(
- 98 Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
- 99
- 100 /* 列表遮罩 */
- 101 listMask = new QWidget(listWidget);
- 102 listMask->setMinimumSize(310, 50);
- 103 listMask->setMinimumHeight(50);
- 104 listMask->setObjectName("listMask");
- 105 listMask->setGeometry(0,
- 106 listWidget->height() - 50,
- 107 310,
- 108 50);
- 109
- 110 /* 设置对象名称 */
- 111 pushButton[0]->setObjectName("btn_previous");
- 112 pushButton[1]->setObjectName("btn_play");
- 113 pushButton[2]->setObjectName("btn_next");
- 114 pushButton[3]->setObjectName("btn_favorite");
- 115 pushButton[4]->setObjectName("btn_mode");
- 116 pushButton[5]->setObjectName("btn_menu");
- 117 pushButton[6]->setObjectName("btn_volume");
- 118
- 119 /* 设置按钮属性 */
- 120 pushButton[1]->setCheckable(true);
- 121 pushButton[3]->setCheckable(true);
- 122
- 123 /* H0布局 */
- 124 vWidget[0]->setMinimumSize(310, 480);
- 125 vWidget[0]->setMaximumWidth(310);
- 126 vWidget[1]->setMinimumSize(320, 480);
- 127 QSpacerItem *hSpacer0 = new
- 128 QSpacerItem(70, 480,
- 129 QSizePolicy::Minimum,
- 130 QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- 131
- 132 QSpacerItem *hSpacer1 = new
- 133 QSpacerItem(65, 480,
- 134 QSizePolicy::Minimum,
- 135 QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- 136
- 137 QSpacerItem *hSpacer2 = new
- 138 QSpacerItem(60, 480,
- 139 QSizePolicy::Minimum,
- 140 QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- 141
- 142 hBoxLayout[0]->addSpacerItem(hSpacer0);
- 143 hBoxLayout[0]->addWidget(vWidget[0]);
- 144 hBoxLayout[0]->addSpacerItem(hSpacer1);
- 145 hBoxLayout[0]->addWidget(vWidget[1]);
- 146 hBoxLayout[0]->addSpacerItem(hSpacer2);
- 147 hBoxLayout[0]->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- 148
- 149 hWidget[0]->setLayout(hBoxLayout[0]);
- 150 setCentralWidget(hWidget[0]);
- 151
- 152 /* V0布局 */
- 153 listWidget->setMinimumSize(310, 265);
- 154 hWidget[1]->setMinimumSize(310, 80);
- 155 hWidget[1]->setMaximumHeight(80);
- 156 label[0]->setMinimumSize(310, 95);
- 157 label[0]->setMaximumHeight(95);
- 158 QSpacerItem *vSpacer0 = new
- 159 QSpacerItem(310, 10,
- 160 QSizePolicy::Minimum,
- 161 QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- 162 QSpacerItem *vSpacer1 = new
- 163 QSpacerItem(310, 30,
- 164 QSizePolicy::Minimum,
- 165 QSizePolicy::Minimum);
- 166 vBoxLayout[0]->addWidget(label[0]);
- 167 vBoxLayout[0]->addWidget(listWidget);
- 168 vBoxLayout[0]->addSpacerItem(vSpacer0);
- 169 vBoxLayout[0]->addWidget(hWidget[1]);
- 170 vBoxLayout[0]->addSpacerItem(vSpacer1);
- 171 vBoxLayout[0]->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- 172
- 173 vWidget[0]->setLayout(vBoxLayout[0]);
- 174
- 175 /* H1布局 */
- 176 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- 177 pushButton<i>->setMinimumSize(80, 80);
- 178 }
- 179 QSpacerItem *hSpacer3 = new
- 180 QSpacerItem(40, 80,
- 181 QSizePolicy::Expanding,
- 182 QSizePolicy::Expanding);
- 183 QSpacerItem *hSpacer4 = new
- 184 QSpacerItem(40, 80,
- 185 QSizePolicy::Expanding,
- 186 QSizePolicy::Expanding);
- 187 hBoxLayout[1]->addWidget(pushButton[0]);
- 188 hBoxLayout[1]->addSpacerItem(hSpacer3);
- 189 hBoxLayout[1]->addWidget(pushButton[1]);
- 190 hBoxLayout[1]->addSpacerItem(hSpacer4);
- 191 hBoxLayout[1]->addWidget(pushButton[2]);
- 192 hBoxLayout[1]->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- 193
- 194 hWidget[1]->setLayout(hBoxLayout[1]);
- 195
- 196 /* V1布局 */
- 197 QSpacerItem *vSpacer2 = new
- 198 QSpacerItem(320, 40,
- 199 QSizePolicy::Minimum,
- 200 QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- 201 QSpacerItem *vSpacer3 = new
- 202 QSpacerItem(320, 20,
- 203 QSizePolicy::Minimum,
- 204 QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- 205 QSpacerItem *vSpacer4 = new
- 206 QSpacerItem(320, 30,
- 207 QSizePolicy::Minimum,
- 208 QSizePolicy::Minimum);
- 209 label[1]->setMinimumSize(320, 320);
- 210 QImage Image;
- 211 Image.load(":/images/cd.png");
- 212 QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(Image);
- 213 int with = 320;
- 214 int height = 320;
- 215 QPixmap fitpixmap =
- 216 pixmap.scaled(with, height,
- 217 Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio,
- 218 Qt::SmoothTransformation);
- 219 label[1]->setPixmap(fitpixmap);
- 220 label[1]->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- 221 vWidget[2]->setMinimumSize(300, 80);
- 222 vWidget[2]->setMaximumHeight(80);
- 223 vBoxLayout[1]->addSpacerItem(vSpacer2);
- 224 vBoxLayout[1]->addWidget(label[1]);
- 225 vBoxLayout[1]->addSpacerItem(vSpacer3);
- 226 vBoxLayout[1]->addWidget(durationSlider);
- 227 vBoxLayout[1]->addWidget(vWidget[2]);
- 228 vBoxLayout[1]->addSpacerItem(vSpacer4);
- 229 vBoxLayout[1]->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- 230
- 231 vWidget[1]->setLayout(vBoxLayout[1]);
- 232
- 233 /* V2布局 */
- 234 QSpacerItem *vSpacer5 = new
- 235 QSpacerItem(300, 10,
- 236 QSizePolicy::Minimum,
- 237 QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- 238 hWidget[2]->setMinimumSize(320, 20);
- 239 hWidget[3]->setMinimumSize(320, 60);
- 240 vBoxLayout[2]->addWidget(hWidget[2]);
- 241 vBoxLayout[2]->addSpacerItem(vSpacer5);
- 242 vBoxLayout[2]->addWidget(hWidget[3]);
- 243 vBoxLayout[2]->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- 244
- 245 vWidget[2]->setLayout(vBoxLayout[2]);
- 246
- 247 /* H2布局 */
- 248 label[2]->setText("00:00");
- 249 label[3]->setText("00:00");
- 250 QFont font;
- 251
- 252 font.setPixelSize(10);
- 253
- 254 /* 设置标签文本 */
- 255 label[0]->setText("Q Music,Enjoy it!");
- 256 label[2]->setText("00:00");
- 257 label[3]->setText("00:00");
- 258 label[2]->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,
- 259 QSizePolicy::Expanding);
- 260 label[3]->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,
- 261 QSizePolicy::Expanding);
- 262 label[3]->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight);
- 263 label[2]->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft);
- 264 label[2]->setFont(font);
- 265 label[3]->setFont(font);
- 266
- 267 pal.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, Qt::white);
- 268 label[0]->setPalette(pal);
- 269 label[2]->setPalette(pal);
- 270 label[3]->setPalette(pal);
- 271
- 272 hBoxLayout[2]->addWidget(label[2]);
- 273 hBoxLayout[2]->addWidget(label[3]);
- 274
- 275 hBoxLayout[2]->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- 276 hWidget[2]->setLayout(hBoxLayout[2]);
- 277
- 278 /* H3布局 */
- 279 QSpacerItem *hSpacer5 = new
- 280 QSpacerItem(0, 60,
- 281 QSizePolicy::Minimum,
- 282 QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- 283 QSpacerItem *hSpacer6 = new
- 284 QSpacerItem(80, 60,
- 285 QSizePolicy::Maximum,
- 286 QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- 287 QSpacerItem *hSpacer7 = new
- 288 QSpacerItem(80, 60,
- 289 QSizePolicy::Maximum,
- 290 QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- 291 QSpacerItem *hSpacer8 = new
- 292 QSpacerItem(80, 60,
- 293 QSizePolicy::Maximum,
- 294 QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- 295 QSpacerItem *hSpacer9 = new
- 296 QSpacerItem(0, 60,
- 297 QSizePolicy::Minimum,
- 298 QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- 299
- 300 for (int i = 3; i < 7; i++) {
- 301 pushButton<i>->setMinimumSize(25, 25);
- 302 pushButton<i>->setMaximumSize(25, 25);
- 303 }
- 304
- 305 hBoxLayout[3]->addSpacerItem(hSpacer5);
- 306 hBoxLayout[3]->addWidget(pushButton[3]);
- 307 hBoxLayout[3]->addSpacerItem(hSpacer6);
- 308 hBoxLayout[3]->addWidget(pushButton[4]);
- 309 hBoxLayout[3]->addSpacerItem(hSpacer7);
- 310 hBoxLayout[3]->addWidget(pushButton[5]);
- 311 hBoxLayout[3]->addSpacerItem(hSpacer8);
- 312 hBoxLayout[3]->addWidget(pushButton[6]);
- 313 hBoxLayout[3]->addSpacerItem(hSpacer9);
- 314 hBoxLayout[3]->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- 315 hBoxLayout[3]->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter);
- 316
- 317 hWidget[3]->setLayout(hBoxLayout[3]);
- 318
- 319 //hWidget[0]->setStyleSheet("background-color:red");
- 320 //hWidget[1]->setStyleSheet("background-color:#ff5599");
- 321 //hWidget[2]->setStyleSheet("background-color:#ff55ff");
- 322 //hWidget[3]->setStyleSheet("background-color:black");
- 323 //vWidget[0]->setStyleSheet("background-color:#555555");
- 324 //vWidget[1]->setStyleSheet("background-color:green");
- 325 //vWidget[2]->setStyleSheet("background-color:gray");
- 326
- 327 }
- 328
- 329 MainWindow::~MainWindow()
- 330 {
- 331 }
- 332
- 333 void MainWindow::btn_play_clicked()
- 334 {
- 335 int state = musicPlayer->state();
- 336
- 337 switch (state) {
- 338 case QMediaPlayer::StoppedState:
- 339 /* 媒体播放 */
- 340 musicPlayer->play();
- 341 break;
- 342
- 343 case QMediaPlayer::playingState:
- 344 /* 媒体暂停 */
- 345 musicPlayer->pause();
- 346 break;
- 347
- 348 case QMediaPlayer::pausedState:
- 349 musicPlayer->play();
- 350 break;
- 351 }
- 352 }
- 353
- 354 void MainWindow::btn_next_clicked()
- 355 {
- 356 musicPlayer->stop();
- 357 int count = mediaPlaylist->mediaCount();
- 358 if (0 == count)
- 359 return;
- 360
- 361 /* 列表下一个 */
- 362 mediaPlaylist->next();
- 363 musicPlayer->play();
- 364 }
- 365
- 366 void MainWindow::btn_previous_clicked()
- 367 {
- 368 musicPlayer->stop();
- 369 int count = mediaPlaylist->mediaCount();
- 370 if (0 == count)
- 371 return;
- 372
- 373 /* 列表上一个 */
- 374 mediaPlaylist->previous();
- 375 musicPlayer->play();
- 376 }
- 377
- 378 void MainWindow::mediaPlayerStateChanged(
- 379 QMediaPlayer::State
- 380 state)
- 381 {
- 382 switch (state) {
- 383 case QMediaPlayer::StoppedState:
- 384 pushButton[1]->setChecked(false);
- 385 break;
- 386
- 387 case QMediaPlayer::playingState:
- 388 pushButton[1]->setChecked(true);
- 389 break;
- 390
- 391 case QMediaPlayer::pausedState:
- 392 pushButton[1]->setChecked(false);
- 393 break;
- 394 }
- 395 }
- 396
- 397 void MainWindow::listWidgetCliked(QListWidgetItem *item)
- 398 {
- 399 musicPlayer->stop();
- 400 mediaPlaylist->setCurrentIndex(listWidget->row(item));
- 401 musicPlayer->play();
- 402 }
- 403
- 404 void MainWindow::mediaPlaylistCurrentIndexChanged(
- 405 int index)
- 406 {
- 407 if (-1 == index)
- 408 return;
- 409
- 410 /* 设置列表正在播放的项 */
- 411 listWidget->setCurrentRow(index);
- 412 }
- 413
- 414 void MainWindow::musicPlayerDurationChanged(
- 415 qint64 duration)
- 416 {
- 417 durationSlider->setRange(0, duration / 1000);
- 418 int second = duration / 1000;
- 419 int minute = second / 60;
- 420 second %= 60;
- 421
- 422 QString mediaDuration;
- 423 mediaDuration.clear();
- 424
- 425 if (minute >= 10)
- 426 mediaDuration = QString::number(minute, 10);
- 427 else
- 428 mediaDuration = "0" + QString::number(minute, 10);
- 429
- 430 if (second >= 10)
- 431 mediaDuration = mediaDuration
- 432 + ":" + QString::number(second, 10);
- 433 else
- 434 mediaDuration = mediaDuration
- 435 + ":0" + QString::number(second, 10);
- 436
- 437 /* 显示媒体总长度时间 */
- 438 label[3]->setText(mediaDuration);
- 439 }
- 440
- 441 void MainWindow::mediaPlayerPositionChanged(
- 442 qint64 position)
- 443 {
- 444 if (!durationSlider->isSliderDown())
- 445 durationSlider->setValue(position/1000);
- 446
- 447 int second = position / 1000;
- 448 int minute = second / 60;
- 449 second %= 60;
- 450
- 451 QString mediaPosition;
- 452 mediaPosition.clear();
- 453
- 454 if (minute >= 10)
- 455 mediaPosition = QString::number(minute, 10);
- 456 else
- 457 mediaPosition = "0" + QString::number(minute, 10);
- 458
- 459 if (second >= 10)
- 460 mediaPosition = mediaPosition
- 461 + ":" + QString::number(second, 10);
- 462 else
- 463 mediaPosition = mediaPosition
- 464 + ":0" + QString::number(second, 10);
- 465
- 466 /* 显示现在播放的时间 */
- 467 label[2]->setText(mediaPosition);
- 468 }
- 469
- 470 void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
- 471 {
- 472 Q_UNUSED(event);
- 473 listMask->setGeometry(0,
- 474 listWidget->height() - 50,
- 475 310,
- 476 50);
- 477 }
- 478
- 479 void MainWindow::durationSliderReleased()
- 480 {
- 481 /* 设置媒体播放的位置 */
- 482 musicPlayer->setPosition(durationSlider->value() * 1000);
- 483 }
- 484
- 485 void MainWindow::scanSongs()
- 486 {
- 487 QDir dir(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()
- 488 + "/myMusic");
- 489 QDir dirbsolutePath(dir.absolutePath());
- 490 /* 如果目录存在 */
- 491 if (dirbsolutePath.exists()) {
- 492 /* 定义过滤器 */
- 493 QStringList filter;
- 494 /* 包含所有.mp3后缀的文件 */
- 495 filter << "*.mp3";
- 496 /* 获取该目录下的所有文件 */
- 497 QFileInfoList files =
- 498 dirbsolutePath.entryInfoList(filter, QDir::Files);
- 499 /* 遍历 */
- 500 for (int i = 0; i < files.count(); i++) {
- 501 MediaObjectInfo info;
- 502 /* 使用utf-8编码 */
- 503 QString fileName = QString::fromUtf8(files.at(i)
- 504 .fileName()
- 505 .replace(".mp3", "")
- 506 .toUtf8()
- 507 .data());
- 508 info.fileName = fileName + "\n"
- 509 + fileName.split("-").at(1);
- 510 info.filePath = QString::fromUtf8(files.at(i)
- 511 .filePath()
- 512 .toUtf8()
- 513 .data());
- 514 /* 媒体列表添加歌曲 */
- 515 if (mediaPlaylist->addMedia(
- 516 QUrl::fromLocalFile(info.filePath))) {
- 517 /* 添加到容器数组里储存 */
- 518 mediaObjectInfo.append(info);
- 519 /* 添加歌曲名字至列表 */
- 520 listWidget->addItem(info.fileName);
- 521 } else {
- 522 qDebug()<<
- 523 mediaPlaylist->errorString()
- 524 .toUtf8().data()
- 525 << endl;
- 526 qDebug()<< " Error number:"
- 527 << mediaPlaylist->error()
- 528 << endl;
- 529 }
- 530 }
- 531 }
- 532 }
- 533
- 534 void MainWindow::mediaPlayerInit()
- 535 {
- 536 musicPlayer = new QMediaPlayer(this);
- 537 mediaPlaylist = new QMediaPlaylist(this);
- 538 /* 确保列表是空的 */
- 539 mediaPlaylist->clear();
- 540 /* 设置音乐播放器的列表为mediaPlaylist */
- 541 musicPlayer->setPlaylist(mediaPlaylist);
- 542 /* 设置播放模式,Loop是列循环 */
- 543 mediaPlaylist->setPlaybackMode(QMediaPlaylist::doop);
- 544 }</i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i>
main .cpp内容如下,主要是加载qss样式文件。没有什么可讲解。
12.3.2 程序运行效果
注意歌曲格式应严格为歌名 + “-” + 歌手名称.mp3,例如江南 - 林俊杰.mp3。中间的“-”是英文字符的短横杠,这样的目的是能够将歌曲名称和歌手分开显示到界面上。
12.4 视频播放器
12.4.1 应用实例
- 15_videoplayer.pro编程后的代码
- 1 QT += core gui multimedia multimediawidgets
- 2
- 3 greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
- 4
- 5 CONFIG += c++11
- 6
- 7 # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
- 8 # any Qt feature that has been marked deprecated (the exact warnings
- 9 # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the
- 10 # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.
- 12
- 13 # You can also make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs.
- 14 # In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
- 15 # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt.
- 16 #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
- 17
- 18 SOURCES += \
- 19 main.cpp \
- 20 mainwindow.cpp
- 21
- 22 HEADERS += \
- 23 mainwindow.h
- 24
- 25 # Default rules for deployment.
- 26 qnx: target.path = /tmp/${TARGET}/bin
- 27 else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/${TARGET}/bin
- 28 !isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target
- 29
- 30 RESOURCES += \
- 31 res.qrc
- mainwindow.cpp编程后的代码
- /******************************************************************
- Copyright © Deng Zhimao Co., Ltd. 1990-2021. All rights reserved.
- * @projectName 15_videoplayer
- * @brief mainwindow.cpp
- * @author Deng Zhimao
- * @email <a href="mailto:1252699831@qq.com">1252699831@qq.com</a>
- * @net <a href="www.openedv.com" target="_blank">www.openedv.com</a>
- * @date 2021-04-27
- *******************************************************************/
- 1 #include "mainwindow.h"
- 2 #include <QCoreApplication>
- 3 #include <QFileInfoList>
- 4 #include <QDir>
- 5
- 6 MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
- 7 : QMainWindow(parent)
- 8 {
- 9 /* 视频播放器布局初始化 */
- 10 videoLayout();
- 11
- 12 /* 媒体初始化 */
- 13 mediaPlayerInit();
- 14
- 15 /* 扫描本地视频 */
- 16 scanVideoFiles();
- 17
- 18 /* 设置按钮的属性 */
- 19 pushButton[0]->setCheckable(true);
- 20 pushButton[4]->setCheckable(true);
- 21
- 22 /* 按钮连接信号槽 */
- 23 connect(pushButton[0], SIGNAL(clicked()),
- 24 this, SLOT(btn_play_clicked()));
- 25 connect(pushButton[1], SIGNAL(clicked()),
- 26 this, SLOT(btn_next_clicked()));
- 27 connect(pushButton[2], SIGNAL(clicked()),
- 28 this, SLOT(btn_volmedown_clicked()));
- 29 connect(pushButton[3], SIGNAL(clicked()),
- 30 this, SLOT(btn_volmeup_clicked()));
- 31 connect(pushButton[4], SIGNAL(clicked()),
- 32 this, SLOT(btn_fullscreen_clicked()));
- 33
- 34 /* 列表连接信号槽 */
- 35 connect(listWidget, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QListWidgetItem*)),
- 36 this, SLOT(listWidgetCliked(QListWidgetItem*)));
- 37
- 38 /* 媒体连接信号槽 */
- 39 connect(videoPlayer,
- 40 SIGNAL(stateChanged(QMediaPlayer::State)),
- 41 this,
- 42 SLOT(mediaPlayerStateChanged(QMediaPlayer::State)));
- 43 connect(mediaPlaylist,
- 44 SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),
- 45 this,
- 46 SLOT(mediaPlaylistCurrentIndexChanged(int)));
- 47 connect(videoPlayer, SIGNAL(durationChanged(qint64)),
- 48 this,
- 49 SLOT(musicPlayerDurationChanged(qint64)));
- 50 connect(videoPlayer,
- 51 SIGNAL(positionChanged(qint64)),
- 52 this,
- 53 SLOT(mediaPlayerPositionChanged(qint64)));
- 54
- 55 /* slider信号槽连接 */
- 56 connect(durationSlider, SIGNAL(sliderReleased()),
- 57 this, SLOT(durationSliderReleased()));
- 58 connect(volumeSlider, SIGNAL(sliderReleased()),
- 59 this, SLOT(volumeSliderReleased()));
- 60 }
- 61
- 62 MainWindow::~MainWindow()
- 63 {
- 64 }
- 65
- 66 void MainWindow::videoLayout()
- 67 {
- 68 /* 设置位置与大小,这里固定为800, 480 */
- 69 this->setGeometry(0, 0, 800, 480);
- 70 // this->setMinimumSize(800, 480);
- 71 // this->setMaximumSize(800, 480);
- 72 QPalette pal;
- 73 pal.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, Qt::white);
- 74
- 75 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- 76 /* 水平容器 */
- 77 hWidget<i> = new QWidget();
- 78 hWidget<i>->setAutoFillBackground(true);
- 79 /* 水平布局 */
- 80 hBoxLayout<i> = new QHBoxLayout();
- 81 }
- 82
- 83 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- 84 /* 垂直容器 */
- 85 vWidget<i> = new QWidget();
- 86 vWidget<i>->setAutoFillBackground(true);
- 87 /* 垂直布局 */
- 88 vBoxLayout<i> = new QVBoxLayout();
- 89 }
- 90
- 91 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- 92 label<i> = new QLabel();
- 93 }
- 94
- 95 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- 96 pushButton<i> = new QPushButton();
- 97 pushButton<i>->setMaximumSize(44, 44);
- 98 pushButton<i>->setMinimumSize(44, 44);
- 99 }
- 100
- 101 /* 设置 */
- 102 vWidget[0]->setObjectName("vWidget0");
- 103 vWidget[1]->setObjectName("vWidget1");
- 104 hWidget[1]->setObjectName("hWidget1");
- 105 hWidget[2]->setObjectName("hWidget2");
- 106 pushButton[0]->setObjectName("btn_play");
- 107 pushButton[1]->setObjectName("btn_next");
- 108 pushButton[2]->setObjectName("btn_volumedown");
- 109 pushButton[3]->setObjectName("btn_volumeup");
- 110 pushButton[4]->setObjectName("btn_screen");
- 111
- 112 QFont font;
- 113
- 114 font.setPixelSize(18);
- 115 label[0]->setFont(font);
- 116 label[1]->setFont(font);
- 117
- 118 pal.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, Qt::white);
- 119 label[0]->setPalette(pal);
- 120 label[1]->setPalette(pal);
- 121
- 122 label[0]->setText("00:00");
- 123 label[1]->setText("/00:00");
- 124
- 125 durationSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
- 126 durationSlider->setMaximumHeight(15);
- 127 durationSlider->setObjectName("durationSlider");
- 128
- 129 volumeSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
- 130 volumeSlider->setRange(0, 100);
- 131 volumeSlider->setMaximumWidth(80);
- 132 volumeSlider->setObjectName("volumeSlider");
- 133 volumeSlider->setValue(50);
- 134
- 135 listWidget = new QListWidget();
- 136 listWidget->setObjectName("listWidget");
- 137 listWidget->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(
- 138 Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
- 139 listWidget->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(
- 140 Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
- 141 //listWidget->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
- 142 videoWidget = new QVideoWidget();
- 143 videoWidget->setStyleSheet("border-image: none;"
- 144 "background: transparent;"
- 145 "border:none");
- 146
- 147 /* H0布局 */
- 148 vWidget[0]->setMinimumSize(300, 480);
- 149 vWidget[0]->setMaximumWidth(300);
- 150 videoWidget->setMinimumSize(500, 480);
- 151
- 152 hBoxLayout[0]->addWidget(videoWidget);
- 153 hBoxLayout[0]->addWidget(vWidget[0]);
- 154
- 155 hWidget[0]->setLayout(hBoxLayout[0]);
- 156 hBoxLayout[0]->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- 157
- 158 setCentralWidget(hWidget[0]);
- 159
- 160 /* V0布局 */
- 161 QSpacerItem *vSpacer0 = new
- 162 QSpacerItem(0, 80,
- 163 QSizePolicy::Minimum,
- 164 QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- 165 vBoxLayout[0]->addWidget(listWidget);
- 166 vBoxLayout[0]->addSpacerItem(vSpacer0);
- 167 vBoxLayout[0]->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- 168
- 169 vWidget[0]->setLayout(vBoxLayout[0]);
- 170
- 171 /* V1布局 */
- 172 /* 底板部件布局 */
- 173 hWidget[1]->setMaximumHeight(15);
- 174 hWidget[2]->setMinimumHeight(65);
- 175 vBoxLayout[1]->addWidget(hWidget[1]);
- 176 vBoxLayout[1]->addWidget(hWidget[2]);
- 177 vBoxLayout[1]->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- 178
- 179 vWidget[1]->setLayout(vBoxLayout[1]);
- 180 vWidget[1]->setParent(this);
- 181 vWidget[1]->setGeometry(0, this->height() - 80, this->width(), 80);
- 182 vBoxLayout[1]->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- 183 /* 位于最上层 */
- 184 vWidget[1]->raise();
- 185
- 186 /* H1布局 */
- 187 hBoxLayout[1]->addWidget(durationSlider);
- 188 hBoxLayout[1]->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- 189 hWidget[1]->setLayout(hBoxLayout[1]);
- 190
- 191 /* H2布局 */
- 192 QSpacerItem *hSpacer0 = new
- 193 QSpacerItem(300, 80,
- 194 QSizePolicy::Expanding,
- 195 QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- 196
- 197 hBoxLayout[2]->addSpacing(20);
- 198 hBoxLayout[2]->addWidget(pushButton[0]);
- 199 hBoxLayout[2]->addSpacing(10);
- 200 hBoxLayout[2]->addWidget(pushButton[1]);
- 201 hBoxLayout[2]->addSpacing(10);
- 202 hBoxLayout[2]->addWidget(pushButton[2]);
- 203 hBoxLayout[2]->addWidget(volumeSlider);
- 204 hBoxLayout[2]->addWidget(pushButton[3]);
- 205 hBoxLayout[2]->addWidget(label[0]);
- 206 hBoxLayout[2]->addWidget(label[1]);
- 207 hBoxLayout[2]->addSpacerItem(hSpacer0);
- 208 hBoxLayout[2]->addWidget(pushButton[4]);
- 209 hBoxLayout[2]->addSpacing(20);
- 210 hBoxLayout[2]->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- 211 hBoxLayout[2]->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
- 212
- 213 hWidget[2]->setLayout(hBoxLayout[2]);
- 214 }
- 215
- 216 void MainWindow::mediaPlayerInit()
- 217 {
- 218 videoPlayer = new QMediaPlayer(this);
- 219 mediaPlaylist = new QMediaPlaylist(this);
- 220 /* 确保列表是空的 */
- 221 mediaPlaylist->clear();
- 222 /* 设置视频播放器的列表为mediaPlaylist */
- 223 videoPlayer->setPlaylist(mediaPlaylist);
- 224 /* 设置视频输出窗口 */
- 225 videoPlayer->setVideoOutput(videoWidget);
- 226 /* 设置播放模式,Loop是列循环 */
- 227 mediaPlaylist->setPlaybackMode(QMediaPlaylist:<img src="static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif" smilieid="10" alt=":L" border="0">oop);
- 228 /* 设置默认软件音量为50% */
- 229 videoPlayer->setVolume(50);
- 230 }
- 231
- 232 void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
- 233 {
- 234 Q_UNUSED(event);
- 235 vWidget[1]->setGeometry(0, this->height() - 80, this->width(), 80);
- 236 }
- 237
- 238 void MainWindow::btn_play_clicked()
- 239 {
- 240 int state = videoPlayer->state();
- 241 switch (state) {
- 242 case QMediaPlayer::StoppedState:
- 243 /* 媒体播放 */
- 244 videoPlayer->play();
- 245 break;
- 246
- 247 case QMediaPlayer:<img src="static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif" smilieid="7" alt=":P" border="0">layingState:
- 248 /* 媒体暂停 */
- 249 videoPlayer->pause();
- 250 break;
- 251
- 252 case QMediaPlayer:<img src="static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif" smilieid="7" alt=":P" border="0">ausedState:
- 253 /* 设置视频输出窗口 */
- 254 videoPlayer->play();
- 255 break;
- 256 }
- 257 }
- 258
- 259 void MainWindow::btn_next_clicked()
- 260 {
- 261 videoPlayer->stop();
- 262 int count = mediaPlaylist->mediaCount();
- 263 if (0 == count)
- 264 return;
- 265
- 266 /* 列表下一个 */
- 267 mediaPlaylist->next();
- 268 videoPlayer->play();
- 269 }
- 270
- 271 void MainWindow::btn_volmeup_clicked()
- 272 {
- 273 /* 点击每次音量+5 */
- 274 volumeSlider->setValue(volumeSlider->value() + 5);
- 275 videoPlayer->setVolume(volumeSlider->value());
- 276 }
- 277
- 278 void MainWindow::btn_fullscreen_clicked()
- 279 {
- 280 /* 全屏/非全屏操作 */
- 281 vWidget[0]->setVisible(!pushButton[4]->isChecked());
- 282 }
- 283
- 284 void MainWindow::btn_volmedown_clicked()
- 285 {
- 286 /* 点击每次音量-5 */
- 287 volumeSlider->setValue(volumeSlider->value() - 5);
- 288 videoPlayer->setVolume(volumeSlider->value());
- 289 }
- 290
- 291 void MainWindow::mediaPlayerStateChanged(
- 292 QMediaPlayer::State
- 293 state)
- 294 {
- 295 switch (state) {
- 296 case QMediaPlayer::StoppedState:
- 297 pushButton[0]->setChecked(false);
- 298 break;
- 299
- 300 case QMediaPlayer::playingState:
- 301 pushButton[0]->setChecked(true);
- 302 break;
- 303
- 304 case QMediaPlayer::pausedState:
- 305 pushButton[0]->setChecked(false);
- 306 break;
- 307 }
- 308 }
- 309
- 310 void MainWindow::listWidgetCliked(QListWidgetItem *item)
- 311 {
- 312 videoPlayer->stop();
- 313 mediaPlaylist->setCurrentIndex(listWidget->row(item));
- 314 videoPlayer->play();
- 315 }
- 316
- 317 void MainWindow::mediaPlaylistCurrentIndexChanged(
- 318 int index)
- 319 {
- 320 if (-1 == index)
- 321 return;
- 322
- 323 /* 设置列表正在播放的项 */
- 324 listWidget->setCurrentRow(index);
- 325 }
- 326
- 327 void MainWindow::musicPlayerDurationChanged(
- 328 qint64 duration)
- 329 {
- 330 durationSlider->setRange(0, duration / 1000);
- 331 int second = duration / 1000;
- 332 int minute = second / 60;
- 333 second %= 60;
- 334
- 335 QString mediaDuration;
- 336 mediaDuration.clear();
- 337
- 338 if (minute >= 10)
- 339 mediaDuration = QString::number(minute, 10);
- 340 else
- 341 mediaDuration = "0" + QString::number(minute, 10);
- 342
- 343 if (second >= 10)
- 344 mediaDuration = mediaDuration
- 345 + ":" + QString::number(second, 10);
- 346 else
- 347 mediaDuration = mediaDuration
- 348 + ":0" + QString::number(second, 10);
- 349
- 350 /* 显示媒体总长度时间 */
- 351 label[1]->setText("/" + mediaDuration);
- 352 }
- 353
- 354 void MainWindow::mediaPlayerPositionChanged(
- 355 qint64 position)
- 356 {
- 357 if (!durationSlider->isSliderDown())
- 358 durationSlider->setValue(position / 1000);
- 359
- 360 int second = position / 1000;
- 361 int minute = second / 60;
- 362 second %= 60;
- 363
- 364 QString mediaPosition;
- 365 mediaPosition.clear();
- 366
- 367 if (minute >= 10)
- 368 mediaPosition = QString::number(minute, 10);
- 369 else
- 370 mediaPosition = "0" + QString::number(minute, 10);
- 371
- 372 if (second >= 10)
- 373 mediaPosition = mediaPosition
- 374 + ":" + QString::number(second, 10);
- 375 else
- 376 mediaPosition = mediaPosition
- 377 + ":0" + QString::number(second, 10);
- 378
- 379 /* 显示现在播放的时间 */
- 380 label[0]->setText(mediaPosition);
- 381 }
- 382
- 383 void MainWindow::durationSliderReleased()
- 384 {
- 385 /* 设置媒体播放的位置 */
- 386 videoPlayer->setPosition(durationSlider->value() * 1000);
- 387 }
- 388
- 389 void MainWindow::volumeSliderReleased()
- 390 {
- 391 /* 设置音量 */
- 392 videoPlayer->setVolume(volumeSlider->value());
- 393 }
- 394
- 395 void MainWindow::scanVideoFiles()
- 396 {
- 397 QDir dir(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()
- 398 + "/myVideo");
- 399 QDir dirbsolutePath(dir.absolutePath());
- 400 /* 如果目录存在 */
- 401 if (dirbsolutePath.exists()) {
- 402 /* 定义过滤器 */
- 403 QStringList filter;
- 404 /* 包含所有xx后缀的文件 */
- 405 filter << "*.mp4" << "*.mkv" << "*.wmv" << "*.avi";
- 406 /* 获取该目录下的所有文件 */
- 407 QFileInfoList files =
- 408 dirbsolutePath.entryInfoList(filter, QDir::Files);
- 409 /* 遍历 */
- 410 for (int i = 0; i < files.count(); i++) {
- 411 MediaObjectInfo info;
- 412 /* 使用utf-8编码 */
- 413 info.fileName = QString::fromUtf8(files.at(i)
- 414 .fileName()
- 415 .toUtf8()
- 416 .data());
- 417 info.filePath = QString::fromUtf8(files.at(i)
- 418 .filePath()
- 419 .toUtf8()
- 420 .data());
- 421 /* 媒体列表添加视频 */
- 422 if (mediaPlaylist->addMedia(
- 423 QUrl::fromLocalFile(info.filePath))) {
- 424 /* 添加到容器数组里储存 */
- 425 mediaObjectInfo.append(info);
- 426 /* 添加视频名字至列表 */
- 427 listWidget->addItem(info.fileName);
- 428 } else {
- 429 qDebug()<<
- 430 mediaPlaylist->errorString()
- 431 .toUtf8().data()
- 432 << endl;
- 433 qDebug()<< " Error number:"
- 434 << mediaPlaylist->error()
- 435 << endl;
- 436 }
- 437 }
- 438 }
- 439 }</i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i>
main .cpp内容如下,主要是加载qss样式文件。没有什么可讲解。
- 1 #include "mainwindow.h"
- 2
- 3 #include <QApplication>
- 4 #include <QFile>
- 5
- 6 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- 7 {
- 8 QApplication a(argc, argv);
- 9 /* 指定文件 */
- 10 QFile file(":/style.qss");
- 11
- 12 /* 判断文件是否存在 */
- 13 if (file.exists() ) {
- 14 /* 以只读的方式打开 */
- 15 file.open(QFile::ReadOnly);
- 16 /* 以字符串的方式保存读出的结果 */
- 17 QString styleSheet = QLatin1String(file.readAll());
- 18 /* 设置全局样式 */
- 19 qApp->setStyleSheet(styleSheet);
- 20 /* 关闭文件 */
- 21 file.close();
- 22 }
- 23
- 24 MainWindow w;
- 25 w.show();
- 26 return a.exec();
- 27 }
12.4.2 程序运行效果
12.5 录音
12.5.1 应用实例
本例设计一个实用的录音界面,界面是编者原创界面。本例适用于正点原子ALPHA开发板,已经测试。Windows与Ubuntu下请读者使用Qt官方的audiorecorder例子自行测试,Windows系统上的声卡设置比较复杂,不详解,编者只确保正点原子I.MX6U ALPHA开发板正常运行此应用程序。Mini板没有声卡,请使用USB声卡插到正点原子I.MX6U开发板进行自行测试!!!
- 16_audiorecorder.pro编程后的代码
- 1 QT += core gui multimedia
- 2
- 3 greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
- 4
- 5 CONFIG += c++11
- 6
- 7 # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
- 8 # any Qt feature that has been marked deprecated (the exact warnings
- 9 # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the
- 10 # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.
- 12
- 13 # You can also make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs.
- 14 # In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
- 15 # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt.
- 16 #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
- 17
- 18 SOURCES += \
- 19 main.cpp \
- 20 audiorecorder.cpp
- 21
- 22 HEADERS += \
- 23 audiorecorder.h
- 24
- 25 # Default rules for deployment.
- 26 qnx: target.path = /tmp/${TARGET}/bin
- 27 else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/${TARGET}/bin
- 28 !isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target
- 29
- 30 RESOURCES += \
- 31 res.qrc
- audiorecorder.cpp编程后的代码
- /******************************************************************
- Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
- Copyright © Deng Zhimao Co., Ltd. 1990-2021. All rights reserved.
- * @projectName 16_audiorecorder
- * @brief audiorecorder.cpp
- * @author Deng Zhimao
- * @email <a href="mailto:1252699831@qq.com">1252699831@qq.com</a>
- * @net <a href="www.openedv.com" target="_blank">www.openedv.com</a>
- * @date 2021-05-10
- *******************************************************************/
- 1 #include "audiorecorder.h"
- 2 #include <QDebug>
- 3 #include <QUrl>
- 4 #include <QDateTime>
- 5 #include <QDir>
- 6 #include <QCoreApplication>
- 7
- 8 static qreal getPeakValue(const QAudioFormat &format);
- 9 static QVector<qreal> getBufferLevels(const QAudioBuffer &buffer);
- 10
- 11 template <class T>
- 12 static QVector<qreal> getBufferLevels(const T *buffer, int frames, int channels);
- 13
- 14 AudioRecorder::AudioRecorder(QWidget *parent)
- 15 : QMainWindow(parent)
- 16 {
- 17 /* 初始化布局 */
- 18 layoutInit();
- 19
- 20 /* 录制音频的类 */
- 21 m_audioRecorder = new QAudioRecorder(this);
- 22
- 23 /* 用于探测缓冲区的数据 */
- 24 m_probe = new QAudioProbe(this);
- 25
- 26 /* 信号槽连接,更新录音level显示 */
- 27 connect(m_probe, &QAudioProbe::audioBufferProbed,
- 28 this, &AudioRecorder::processBuffer);
- 29
- 30 /* 设置探测的对象 */
- 31 m_probe->setSource(m_audioRecorder);
- 32
- 33 /* 播放器 */
- 34 recorderPlayer = new QMediaPlayer(this);
- 35
- 36 /* 播放列表 */
- 37 mediaPlaylist = new QMediaPlaylist(this);
- 38
- 39 recorderPlayer->setPlaylist(mediaPlaylist);
- 40
- 41 /* 设置播放模式,默认是列表播放 */
- 42 mediaPlaylist->setPlaybackMode(QMediaPlaylist::CurrentItemOnce);
- 43
- 44 /* 扫描本地声卡设备 */
- 45 devicesVar.append(QVariant(QString()));
- 46 for (auto &device: m_audioRecorder->audioInputs()) {
- 47 devicesVar.append(QVariant(device));
- 48 //qDebug()<<"本地声卡设备:"<<device<<endl;
- 49 }
- 50
- 51 /* 音频编码 */
- 52 codecsVar.append(QVariant(QString()));
- 53 for (auto &codecName: m_audioRecorder->supportedAudioCodecs()) {
- 54 codecsVar.append(QVariant(codecName));
- 55 //qDebug()<<"音频编码:"<<codecName<<endl;
- 56 }
- 57
- 58 /* 容器/支持的格式 */
- 59 containersVar.append(QVariant(QString()));
- 60 for (auto &containerName: m_audioRecorder->supportedContainers()) {
- 61 containersVar.append(QVariant(containerName));
- 62 //qDebug()<<"支持的格式:"<<containerName<<endl;
- 63 }
- 64
- 65 /* 采样率 */
- 66 sampleRateVar.append(QVariant(0));
- 67 for (int sampleRate: m_audioRecorder->supportedAudioSampleRates()) {
- 68 sampleRateVar.append(QVariant(sampleRate));
- 69 //qDebug()<<"采样率:"<<sampleRate<<endl;
- 70 }
- 71
- 72 /* 通道 */
- 73 channelsVar.append(QVariant(-1));
- 74 channelsVar.append(QVariant(1));
- 75 channelsVar.append(QVariant(2));
- 76 channelsVar.append(QVariant(4));
- 77
- 78 /* 质量 */
- 79 qualityVar.append(QVariant(int(QMultimedia:<img src="static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif" smilieid="10" alt=":L" border="0">owQuality)));
- 80 qualityVar.append(QVariant(int(QMultimedia::NormalQuality)));
- 81 qualityVar.append(QVariant(int(QMultimedia::HighQuality)));
- 82
- 83 /* 比特率 */
- 84 bitratesVar.append(QVariant(0));
- 85 bitratesVar.append(QVariant(32000));
- 86 bitratesVar.append(QVariant(64000));
- 87 bitratesVar.append(QVariant(96000));
- 88 bitratesVar.append(QVariant(128000));
- 89
- 90 /* 初始化时扫描已经录制的录音mp3文件 */
- 91 scanRecordFiles();
- 92
- 93 /* 录音类信号槽连接 */
- 94 connect(m_audioRecorder, &QAudioRecorder::durationChanged,
- 95 this, &AudioRecorder::updateProgress);
- 96
- 97 /* 列表信号槽连接 */
- 98 connect(listWidget, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QListWidgetItem*)),
- 99 this, SLOT(listWidgetCliked(QListWidgetItem*)));
- 100 connect(listWidget, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem*,
- 101 QListWidgetItem*)),
- 102 this, SLOT(listWidgetCurrentItemChange(QListWidgetItem*,
- 103 QListWidgetItem*)));
- 104
- 105 /* 媒体连接信号槽 */
- 106 connect(recorderPlayer,
- 107 SIGNAL(stateChanged(QMediaPlayer::State)),
- 108 this,
- 109 SLOT(mediaPlayerStateChanged(QMediaPlayer::State)));
- 110 connect(mediaPlaylist,
- 111 SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),
- 112 this,
- 113 SLOT(mediaPlaylistCurrentIndexChanged(int)));
- 114 connect(recorderPlayer, SIGNAL(positionChanged(qint64)),
- 115 this,
- 116 SLOT(recorderPlayerPositionChanged(qint64)));
- 117
- 118 /* 按钮 */
- 119 connect(recorderBt, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(recorderBtClicked()));
- 120 connect(nextBt, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(nextBtClicked()));
- 121 connect(previousBt, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(previousBtClicked()));
- 122 connect(removeBt, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeBtClicked()));
- 123 }
- 124
- 125 AudioRecorder::~AudioRecorder()
- 126 {
- 127 }
- 128
- 129 void AudioRecorder::layoutInit()
- 130 {
- 131 this->setGeometry(0, 0, 800, 480);
- 132
- 133 mainWidget = new QWidget();
- 134 setCentralWidget(mainWidget);
- 135
- 136 vBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
- 137 bottomWidget = new QWidget();
- 138 listWidget = new QListWidget();
- 139 listWidget->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
- 140 listWidget->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(
- 141 Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
- 142 listWidget->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(
- 143 Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
- 144
- 145 /* 垂直布局 */
- 146 vBoxLayout->addWidget(listWidget);
- 147 vBoxLayout->addWidget(bottomWidget);
- 148 vBoxLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- 149 mainWidget->setLayout(vBoxLayout);
- 150
- 151 bottomWidget->setMinimumHeight(80);
- 152 bottomWidget->setMaximumHeight(80);
- 153 bottomWidget->setStyleSheet("background:#cccccc");
- 154
- 155 /* 水平布局 */
- 156 hBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
- 157
- 158 /* 按钮,录音、上一首、下一首、删除项按钮 */
- 159 recorderBt = new QPushButton();
- 160 previousBt = new QPushButton();
- 161 nextBt = new QPushButton();
- 162 removeBt = new QPushButton();
- 163
- 164 recorderBt->setCheckable(true);
- 165 recorderBt->setObjectName("recorderBt");
- 166 recorderBt->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
- 167 recorderBt->setMaximumSize(60, 60);
- 168 recorderBt->setMinimumSize(60, 60);
- 169
- 170 hBoxLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- 171
- 172 bottomWidget->setLayout(hBoxLayout);
- 173 hBoxLayout->addWidget(recorderBt);
- 174 hBoxLayout->addWidget(previousBt);
- 175 hBoxLayout->addWidget(nextBt);
- 176 hBoxLayout->addWidget(removeBt);
- 177
- 178 nextBt->setMaximumSize(50, 50);
- 179 removeBt->setMaximumSize(50, 50);
- 180 previousBt->setMaximumSize(50, 50);
- 181
- 182 previousBt->setObjectName("previousBt");
- 183 removeBt->setObjectName("removeBt");
- 184 nextBt->setObjectName("nextBt");
- 185
- 186 previousBt->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
- 187 removeBt->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
- 188 nextBt->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
- 189
- 190 /* 显示录音时长与录音Level */
- 191 centerWidget = new QWidget(this);
- 192 centerWidget->setGeometry(width()/ 2 - 150,
- 193 height() /2 - 100,
- 194 300,
- 195 200);
- 196 centerWidget->setStyleSheet("QWidget { background:#8823242a;"
- 197 "border-radius:10px}");
- 198 countLabel = new QLabel(centerWidget);
- 199 countLabel->setGeometry(0,
- 200 0,
- 201 300,
- 202 50);
- 203 countLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel {font-size: 30px;color:#eeeeee;"
- 204 "font: blod;background:transparent}");
- 205 countLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- 206 levelHBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
- 207
- 208 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- 209 progressBar<i> = new QProgressBar();
- 210 progressBar<i>->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical);
- 211 progressBar<i>->setRange(0, 100);
- 212 progressBar<i>->setVisible(false);
- 213 progressBar<i>->setMaximumWidth(centralWidget()->width());
- 214 levelHBoxLayout->addWidget(progressBar<i>);
- 215 levelHBoxLayout->setContentsMargins(5, 50, 5, 5);
- 216 progressBar<i>->setStyleSheet("QWidget { background:#22eeeeee;"
- 217 "border-radius:0px}");
- 218 }
- 219 centerWidget->setLayout(levelHBoxLayout);
- 220 centerWidget->hide();
- 221 countLabel->raise();
- 222
- 223
- 224 }
- 225
- 226 void AudioRecorder::recorderBtClicked()
- 227 {
- 228 /* 录音前停止正在播放的媒体 */
- 229 if (recorderPlayer->state() != QMediaPlayer::StoppedState)
- 230 recorderPlayer->stop();
- 231 /* 如果录音已经停止,则开始录音 */
- 232 if (m_audioRecorder->state() == QMediaRecorder::StoppedState) {
- 233 /* 设置默认的录音设备 */
- 234 m_audioRecorder->setAudioInput(devicesVar.at(0).toString());
- 235
- 236 /* 下面的是录音设置,都是选择默认,可根据录音可用项,自行修改 */
- 237 QAudioEncoderSettings settings;
- 238 settings.setCodec(codecsVar.at(0).toString());
- 239 settings.setSampleRate(sampleRateVar[0].toInt());
- 240 settings.setBitRate(bitratesVar[0].toInt());
- 241 settings.setChannelCount(channelsVar[0].toInt());
- 242 settings.setQuality(QMultimedia::EncodingQuality(
- 243 qualityVar[0].toInt()));
- 244 /* 以恒定的质量录制,可选恒定的比特率 */
- 245 settings.setEncodingMode(QMultimedia::ConstantQualityEncoding);
- 246 QString container = containersVar.at(0).toString();
- 247 m_audioRecorder->setEncodingSettings(settings,
- 248 QVideoEncoderSettings(),
- 249 container);
- 250 m_audioRecorder->setOutputLocation(
- 251 QUrl::fromLocalFile(tr("./Sounds/%1.mp3")
- 252 .arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime()
- 253 .toString())));
- 254 /* 开始录音 */
- 255 m_audioRecorder->record();
- 256 /* 显示录制时长标签 */
- 257 countLabel->clear();
- 258 centerWidget->show();
- 259 } else {
- 260 /* 停止录音 */
- 261 m_audioRecorder->stop();
- 262 /* 重设录音level */
- 263 clearAudioLevels();
- 264 /* 隐藏录制时长标签 */
- 265 centerWidget->hide();
- 266 /* 重新扫描录音文件 */
- 267 scanRecordFiles();
- 268 }
- 269 }
- 270
- 271 void AudioRecorder::scanRecordFiles()
- 272 {
- 273 mediaPlaylist->clear();
- 274 listWidget->clear();
- 275 mediaObjectInfo.clear();
- 276 /* 录音文件保存在当前Sounds文件夹下 */
- 277 QDir dir(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()
- 278 + "/Sounds");
- 279 QDir dirbsolutePath(dir.absolutePath());
- 280
- 281 /* 如果文件夹不存在,则创建一个 */
- 282 if(!dirbsolutePath.exists())
- 283 dirbsolutePath.mkdir(dirbsolutePath.absolutePath());
- 284
- 285 /* 定义过滤器 */
- 286 QStringList filter;
- 287 /* 包含所有xx后缀的文件 */
- 288 filter<<"*.mp3";
- 289 /* 获取该目录下的所有文件 */
- 290 QFileInfoList files =
- 291 dirbsolutePath.entryInfoList(filter, QDir::Files);
- 292 /* 遍历 */
- 293 for (int i = 0; i < files.count(); i++) {
- 294 MediaObjectInfo info;
- 295 /* 使用utf-8编码 */
- 296 info.fileName = QString::fromUtf8(files.at(i)
- 297 .fileName()
- 298 .toUtf8()
- 299 .data());
- 300 info.filePath = QString::fromUtf8(files.at(i)
- 301 .filePath()
- 302 .toUtf8()
- 303 .data());
- 304 /* 媒体列表添加音频 */
- 305 if (mediaPlaylist->addMedia(
- 306 QUrl::fromLocalFile(info.filePath))) {
- 307 /* 添加到容器数组里储存 */
- 308 mediaObjectInfo.append(info);
- 309 /* 添加音频名字至列表 */
- 310 listWidget->addItem(
- 311 new QListWidgetItem(QIcon(":/icons/play.png"),
- 312 info.fileName));
- 313 } else {
- 314 qDebug()<<
- 315 mediaPlaylist->errorString()
- 316 .toUtf8().data()
- 317 << endl;
- 318 qDebug()<< " Error number:"
- 319 << mediaPlaylist->error()
- 320 << endl;
- 321 }
- 322 }
- 323 }
- 324
- 325 void AudioRecorder::listWidgetCliked(QListWidgetItem *item)
- 326 {
- 327 /* item->setIcon 为设置列表里的图标状态 */
- 328 for (int i = 0; i < listWidget->count(); i++) {
- 329 listWidget->item(i)->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/play.png"));
- 330 }
- 331
- 332 if (recorderPlayer->state() != QMediaPlayer::playingState) {
- 333 recorderPlayer->play();
- 334 item->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/pause.png"));
- 335 } else {
- 336 recorderPlayer->pause();
- 337 item->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/play.png"));
- 338 }
- 339 }
- 340
- 341 void AudioRecorder::listWidgetCurrentItemChange(
- 342 QListWidgetItem *currentItem,
- 343 QListWidgetItem *previousItem)
- 344 {
- 345 if (mediaPlaylist->mediaCount() == 0)
- 346 return;
- 347
- 348 if (listWidget->row(previousItem) != -1)
- 349 previousItem->setText(mediaObjectInfo
- 350 .at(listWidget->row(previousItem))
- 351 .fileName);
- 352
- 353 /* 先暂停播放媒体 */
- 354 if (recorderPlayer->state() == QMediaPlayer::PlayingState)
- 355 recorderPlayer->pause();
- 356
- 357 /* 设置当前媒体 */
- 358 mediaPlaylist->
- 359 setCurrentIndex(listWidget->row(currentItem));
- 360 }
- 361
- 362 void AudioRecorder::mediaPlayerStateChanged(
- 363 QMediaPlayer::State
- 364 state)
- 365 {
- 366 for (int i = 0; i < listWidget->count(); i++) {
- 367 listWidget->item(i)
- 368 ->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/play.png"));
- 369 }
- 370
- 371 /* 获取当前项,根据当前媒体的状态,然后设置不同的图标 */
- 372 if (mediaPlaylist->currentIndex() == -1)
- 373 return;
- 374 QListWidgetItem *item = listWidget->item(
- 375 mediaPlaylist->currentIndex());
- 376
- 377 switch (state) {
- 378 case QMediaPlayer::pausedState:
- 379 case QMediaPlayer::playingState:
- 380 item->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/pause.png"));
- 381 break;
- 382 case QMediaPlayer::StoppedState:
- 383 item->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/play.png"));
- 384 break;
- 385 }
- 386 }
- 387
- 388 void AudioRecorder::mediaPlaylistCurrentIndexChanged(
- 389 int index)
- 390 {
- 391 if (-1 == index)
- 392 return;
- 393 }
- 394
- 395 void AudioRecorder::previousBtClicked()
- 396 {
- 397 /* 上一首操作 */
- 398 recorderPlayer->stop();
- 399 int count = listWidget->count();
- 400 if (0 == count)
- 401 return;
- 402 if (listWidget->currentRow() == -1)
- 403 listWidget->setCurrentRow(0);
- 404 else {
- 405 if (listWidget->currentRow() - 1 != -1)
- 406 listWidget->setCurrentRow(
- 407 listWidget->currentRow() - 1);
- 408 else
- 409 listWidget->setCurrentRow(listWidget->count() - 1);
- 410 }
- 411 mediaPlaylist->setCurrentIndex(listWidget->currentRow());
- 412 recorderPlayer->play();
- 413 }
- 414
- 415 void AudioRecorder::nextBtClicked()
- 416 {
- 417 /* 下一首操作 */
- 418 recorderPlayer->stop();
- 419
- 420 /* 获取列表的总数目 */
- 421 int count = listWidget->count();
- 422
- 423 /* 如果列表的总数目为0则返回 */
- 424 if (0 == count)
- 425 return;
- 426
- 427 if (listWidget->currentRow() == -1)
- 428 listWidget->setCurrentRow(0);
- 429 else {
- 430 if (listWidget->currentRow() + 1 < listWidget->count())
- 431 listWidget->setCurrentRow(
- 432 listWidget->currentRow() + 1);
- 433 else
- 434 listWidget->setCurrentRow(0);
- 435 }
- 436 mediaPlaylist->setCurrentIndex(listWidget->currentRow());
- 437 recorderPlayer->play();
- 438 }
- 439
- 440 void AudioRecorder::removeBtClicked()
- 441 {
- 442 int index = listWidget->currentRow();
- 443 if (index == -1)
- 444 return;
- 445
- 446 /* 移除媒体的项 */
- 447 mediaPlaylist->removeMedia(index);
- 448
- 449 /* 指向要删除的文件 */
- 450 QFile file(mediaObjectInfo.at(index).filePath);
- 451
- 452 /* 移除录音文件 */
- 453 file.remove();
- 454
- 455 /* 删除列表选中的项 */
- 456 listWidget->takeItem(index);
- 457
- 458 /* 删除后设置当前项为删除项的前一个 */
- 459 if (index - 1 != -1)
- 460 listWidget->setCurrentRow(index - 1);
- 461 }
- 462
- 463 void AudioRecorder::updateProgress(qint64 duration)
- 464 {
- 465 if (m_audioRecorder->error()
- 466 != QMediaRecorder::NoError)
- 467 return;
- 468
- 469 /* 显示录制时长 */
- 470 countLabel->setText(tr("已录制 %1 s")
- 471 .arg(duration / 1000));
- 472 }
- 473
- 474 void AudioRecorder::recorderPlayerPositionChanged(
- 475 qint64 position)
- 476 {
- 477 /* 格式化时间 */
- 478 int p_second = position / 1000;
- 479 int p_minute = p_second / 60;
- 480 p_second %= 60;
- 481
- 482 QString mediaPosition;
- 483 mediaPosition.clear();
- 484
- 485 if (p_minute >= 10)
- 486 mediaPosition = QString::number(p_minute, 10);
- 487 else
- 488 mediaPosition = "0" + QString::number(p_minute, 10);
- 489
- 490 if (p_second >= 10)
- 491 mediaPosition = mediaPosition
- 492 + ":" + QString::number(p_second, 10);
- 493 else
- 494 mediaPosition = mediaPosition
- 495 + ":0" + QString::number(p_second, 10);
- 496
- 497
- 498 int d_second = recorderPlayer->duration() / 1000;
- 499 int d_minute = d_second / 60;
- 500 d_second %= 60;
- 501
- 502 QString mediaDuration;
- 503 mediaDuration.clear();
- 504
- 505 if (d_minute >= 10)
- 506 mediaDuration = QString::number(d_minute, 10);
- 507 else
- 508 mediaDuration = "0" + QString::number(d_minute, 10);
- 509
- 510 if (d_second >= 10)
- 511 mediaDuration = mediaDuration
- 512 + ":" + QString::number(d_second, 10);
- 513 else
- 514 mediaDuration = mediaDuration
- 515 + ":0" + QString::number(d_second, 10);
- 516
- 517 QString fileNmae = mediaObjectInfo
- 518 .at(listWidget->currentRow()).fileName + "\t";
- 519 /* 显示媒体总长度时间与播放的当前位置 */
- 520 listWidget->currentItem()->setText(fileNmae
- 521 + mediaPosition
- 522 +"/" + mediaDuration);
- 523 }
- 524
- 525 void AudioRecorder::clearAudioLevels()
- 526 {
- 527 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- 528 progressBar<i>->setValue(0);
- 529 }
- 530
- 531 // This function returns the maximum possible sample value for a given audio format
- 532 qreal getPeakValue(const QAudioFormat& format)
- 533 {
- 534 // Note: Only the most common sample formats are supported
- 535 if (!format.isValid())
- 536 return qreal(0);
- 537
- 538 if (format.codec() != "audio/pcm")
- 539 return qreal(0);
- 540
- 541 switch (format.sampleType()) {
- 542 case QAudioFormat::Unknown:
- 543 break;
- 544 case QAudioFormat::Float:
- 545 if (format.sampleSize() != 32) // other sample formats are not supported
- 546 return qreal(0);
- 547 return qreal(1.00003);
- 548 case QAudioFormat::SignedInt:
- 549 if (format.sampleSize() == 32)
- 550 return qreal(INT_MAX);
- 551 if (format.sampleSize() == 16)
- 552 return qreal(SHRT_MAX);
- 553 if (format.sampleSize() == 8)
- 554 return qreal(CHAR_MAX);
- 555 break;
- 556 case QAudioFormat::UnSignedInt:
- 557 if (format.sampleSize() == 32)
- 558 return qreal(UINT_MAX);
- 559 if (format.sampleSize() == 16)
- 560 return qreal(USHRT_MAX);
- 561 if (format.sampleSize() == 8)
- 562 return qreal(UCHAR_MAX);
- 563 break;
- 564 }
- 565
- 566 return qreal(0);
- 567 }
- 568
- 569 // returns the audio level for each channel
- 570 QVector<qreal> getBufferLevels(const QAudioBuffer& buffer)
- 571 {
- 572 QVector<qreal> values;
- 573
- 574 if (!buffer.format().isValid() || buffer.format().byteOrder() != QAudioFormat::littleEndian)
- 575 return values;
- 576
- 577 if (buffer.format().codec() != "audio/pcm")
- 578 return values;
- 579
- 580 int channelCount = buffer.format().channelCount();
- 581 values.fill(0, channelCount);
- 582 qreal peak_value = getPeakValue(buffer.format());
- 583 if (qFuzzyCompare(peak_value, qreal(0)))
- 584 return values;
- 585
- 586 switch (buffer.format().sampleType()) {
- 587 case QAudioFormat::Unknown:
- 588 case QAudioFormat::UnSignedInt:
- 589 if (buffer.format().sampleSize() == 32)
- 590 values = getBufferLevels(buffer.constData<quint32>(), buffer.frameCount(), channelCount);
- 591 if (buffer.format().sampleSize() == 16)
- 592 values = getBufferLevels(buffer.constData<quint16>(), buffer.frameCount(), channelCount);
- 593 if (buffer.format().sampleSize() == 8)
- 594 values = getBufferLevels(buffer.constData<quint8>(), buffer.frameCount(), channelCount);
- 595 for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i)
- 596 values<i> = qAbs(values.at(i) - peak_value / 2) / (peak_value / 2);
- 597 break;
- 598 case QAudioFormat::Float:
- 599 if (buffer.format().sampleSize() == 32) {
- 600 values = getBufferLevels(buffer.constData<float>(), buffer.frameCount(), channelCount);
- 601 for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i)
- 602 values<i> /= peak_value;
- 603 }
- 604 break;
- 605 case QAudioFormat::SignedInt:
- 606 if (buffer.format().sampleSize() == 32)
- 607 values = getBufferLevels(buffer.constData<qint32>(), buffer.frameCount(), channelCount);
- 608 if (buffer.format().sampleSize() == 16)
- 609 values = getBufferLevels(buffer.constData<qint16>(), buffer.frameCount(), channelCount);
- 610 if (buffer.format().sampleSize() == 8)
- 611 values = getBufferLevels(buffer.constData<qint8>(), buffer.frameCount(), channelCount);
- 612 for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i)
- 613 values<i> /= peak_value;
- 614 break;
- 615 }
- 616
- 617 return values;
- 618 }
- 619
- 620 template <class T>
- 621 QVector<qreal> getBufferLevels(const T *buffer, int frames, int channels)
- 622 {
- 623 QVector<qreal> max_values;
- 624 max_values.fill(0, channels);
- 625
- 626 for (int i = 0; i < frames; ++i) {
- 627 for (int j = 0; j < channels; ++j) {
- 628 qreal value = qAbs(qreal(buffer[i * channels + j]));
- 629 if (value > max_values.at(j))
- 630 max_values.replace(j, value);
- 631 }
- 632 }
- 633
- 634 return max_values;
- 635 }
- 636
- 637 void AudioRecorder::processBuffer(const QAudioBuffer& buffer)
- 638 {
- 639 /* 根据通道数目需要显示count个level */
- 640 int count = buffer.format().channelCount();
- 641 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- 642 if (i < count)
- 643 progressBar<i>->setVisible(true);
- 644 else
- 645 progressBar<i>->setVisible(false);
- 646 }
- 647
- 648 /* 设置level的值 */
- 649 QVector<qreal> levels = getBufferLevels(buffer);
- 650 for (int i = 0; i < levels.count(); ++i)
- 651 progressBar<i>->setValue(levels.at(i) * 100);
- 652 }</i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i>
main .cpp内容如下,主要是加载qss样式文件。
- 1 #include "audiorecorder.h"
- 2
- 3 #include <QApplication>
- 4 #include <QFile>
- 5
- 6 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- 7 {
- 8 QApplication a(argc, argv);
- 9 /* 指定文件 */
- 10 QFile file(":/style.qss");
- 11
- 12 /* 判断文件是否存在 */
- 13 if (file.exists() ) {
- 14 /* 以只读的方式打开 */
- 15 file.open(QFile::ReadOnly);
- 16 /* 以字符串的方式保存读出的结果 */
- 17 QString styleSheet = QLatin1String(file.readAll());
- 18 /* 设置全局样式 */
- 19 qApp->setStyleSheet(styleSheet);
- 20 /* 关闭文件 */
- 21 file.close();
- 22 }
- 23
- 24 AudioRecorder w;
- 25 w.show();
- 26 return a.exec();
- 27 }
- 1 QTabBar:tab {
- 2 height:0; width:0;
- 3 }
- 4
- 5 QWidget {
- 6 background:#e6e6e6;
- 7 }
- 8
- 9 QListWidget {
- 10 border:none;
- 11 }
- 12
- 13 QPushButton#recorderBt {
- 14 border-image:url(:/icons/recorder_stop1.png);
- 15 background:transparent;
- 16 }
- 17
- 18 QPushButton#recorderBt:hover {
- 19 border-image:url(:/icons/recorder_stop2.png);
- 20 }
- 21
- 22 QPushButton#recorderBt:checked {
- 23 border-image:url(:/icons/recorder_start1.png);
- 24 }
- 25
- 26 QPushButton#recorderBt:checked:hover {
- 27 border-image:url(:/icons/recorder_start2.png);
- 28 }
- 29
- 30 QListWidget {
- 31 color:black;
- 32 font-size: 20px;
- 33 border:none;
- 34 icon-size:40px;
- 35 }
- 36
- 37 QListWidget:item:active {
- 38 background: transparent;
- 39 }
- 40
- 41 QListWidget:item {
- 42 background: transparent;
- 43 height:60;
- 44 }
- 45
- 46 QListWidget:item:selected {
- 47 color:red;
- 48 background: transparent;
- 49 }
- 50
- 51 QListWidget:item:hover {
- 52 background: transparent;
- 53 color:red;
- 54 border:none;
- 55 }
- 56
- 57 QPushButton#nextBt {
- 58 border-image:url(:/icons/btn_next1.png);
- 59 }
- 60
- 61 QPushButton#nextBt:hover {
- 62 border-image:url(:/icons/btn_next2.png);
- 63 }
- 64
- 65 QPushButton#previousBt {
- 66 border-image:url(:/icons/btn_previous1.png);
- 67 }
- 68
- 69 QPushButton#previousBt:hover {
- 70 border-image:url(:/icons/btn_previous2.png);
- 71 }
- 72
- 73 QPushButton#removeBt {
- 74 border-image:url(:/icons/remove1.png);
- 75 }
- 76
- 77 QPushButton#removeBt:hover {
- 78 border-image:url(:/icons/remove2.png);
- 79 }
- 80
- 81 QProgressBar::chunk {
- 82 background-color: #f6f6f6;
- 83 height: 8px;
- 84 margin: 0.5px;
- 85 border-radius:0px;
- 86 }
- 87
- 88 QProgressBar {
- 89 color:transparent;
- 90 }
12.5.2 程序运行效果
本例适用于正点原子I.MX6U ALPHA开发板!请使用正点原子I.MX6U的出厂系统进行测试!
开始录音前,需要根据正点原子I.MX6U用户快速体验手册,第3.15小节进行测试板子的录音功能。确保能正常录音,再交叉编译此Qt应用程序到开发板上运行。如何交叉编译Qt应用程序到开发板,请看【正点原子】I.MX6U 出厂系统Qt交叉编译环境搭建V1.x版本。