Build target 'demo1'
demo1\demo1.axf: Error: L6647E: The virtual function elimination information for i._ZN15Screen1ViewBaseC1Ev(screen1viewbase.o) incorrectly indicates that section .constdata__ZTVN8touchgfx8LCD16bppE(lcd16bpp.o), offset 52 is a relocation (to a virtual function or RTTI), but there is no relocation at that offset.
demo1\demo1.axf: Warning: L6361W: Running VFE again, to produce better error messages.
demo1\demo1.axf: Error: L6647E: The virtual function elimination information for i._ZN15Screen1ViewBaseC1Ev(screen1viewbase.o) incorrectly indicates that section .constdata__ZTVN8touchgfx8LCD16bppE(lcd16bpp.o), offset 52 is a relocation (to a virtual function or RTTI), but there is no relocation at that offset.
Not enough information to list image symbols.
Not enough information to list load addresses in the image map.
Finished: 2 information, 1 warning and 2 error messages.
"demo1\demo1.axf" - 2 Error(s), 1 Warning(s).