
查看: 5635|回复: 2

* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET. * JLink Info: Reset: Reset device via AIRCR.VEC...









9 小时
发表于 2019-8-30 19:40:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Build started: Project: YS-F1Pro
*** Using Compiler 'V5.06 update 6 (build 750)', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin'
Build target 'YS-F1Pro'
compiling main.c...
Program Size: Code=6352 RO-data=352 RW-data=16 ZI-data=4160  
FromELF: creating hex file...
"YS-F1Pro\YS-F1Pro.axf" - 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).
Build Time Elapsed:  00:00:04
Load "YS-F1Pro\\YS-F1Pro.axf"
Set JLink Project File to "C:\Users\15470\Desktop\STM2\YSF1_HAL-009. USART-指令控制\MDK-ARM\JLinkSettings.ini"
* JLink Info: Device "STM32F103C8" selected.

JLink info:
DLL: V6.46 , compiled May 23 2019 17:49:56
Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Jan 31 2018 18:34:52
Hardware: V8.00
S/N : 20080643
Feature(s) : RDI,FlashDL,FlashBP,JFlash,GDBFull

* JLink Info: TotalIRLen = 9, IRPrint = 0x0011
* JLink Info: JTAG chain detection found 2 devices:
* JLink Info:  #0 Id: 0x3BA00477, IRLen: 04, CoreSight JTAG-DP
* JLink Info:  #1 Id: 0x16410041, IRLen: 05, STM32 Boundary Scan
* JLink Info: TotalIRLen = 9, IRPrint = 0x0011
* JLink Info: JTAG chain detection found 2 devices:
* JLink Info:  #0 Id: 0x3BA00477, IRLen: 04, CoreSight JTAG-DP
* JLink Info:  #1 Id: 0x16410041, IRLen: 05, STM32 Boundary Scan
* JLink Info: Scanning AP map to find all available APs
* JLink Info: AP[1]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map has been reached
* JLink Info: AP[0]: AHB-AP (IDR: 0x14770011)
* JLink Info: Iterating through AP map to find AHB-AP to use
* JLink Info: AP[0]: Core found
* JLink Info: AP[0]: AHB-AP ROM base: 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: CPUID register: 0x411FC231. Implementer code: 0x41 (ARM)
* JLink Info: Found Cortex-M3 r1p1, Little endian.
* JLink Info: FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots
* JLink Info: CoreSight components:
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0] @ E00FF000
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][0]: E000E000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB000 SCS
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][1]: E0001000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB002 DWT
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][2]: E0002000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB003 FPB
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][3]: E0000000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB001 ITM
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][4]: E0040000, CID: B105900D, PID: 001BB923 TPIU-Lite
ROMTableAddr = 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* JLink Info: Reset: Reset device via AIRCR.SYSRESETREQ.

Target info:
Device: STM32F103C8
VTarget = 3.319V
State of Pins:
TCK: 1, TDI: 0, TDO: 1, TMS: 0, TRES: 1, TRST: 1
Hardware-Breakpoints: 6
Software-Breakpoints: 8192
Watchpoints:          4
JTAG speed: 4800 kHz

Erase Done.
Programming Done.
Verify OK.
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* JLink Info: Reset: Reset device via AIRCR.SYSRESETREQ.
Application running ...
Flash Load finished at 19:23:33
Load "YS-F1Pro\\YS-F1Pro.axf"
Set JLink Project File to "C:\Users\15470\Desktop\STM2\YSF1_HAL-009. USART-指令控制\MDK-ARM\JLinkSettings.ini"
* JLink Info: Device "STM32F103C8" selected.

JLink info:
DLL: V6.46 , compiled May 23 2019 17:49:56
Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Jan 31 2018 18:34:52
Hardware: V8.00
S/N : 20080643
Feature(s) : RDI,FlashDL,FlashBP,JFlash,GDBFull

* JLink Info: TotalIRLen = 9, IRPrint = 0x0011
* JLink Info: JTAG chain detection found 2 devices:
* JLink Info:  #0 Id: 0x3BA00477, IRLen: 04, CoreSight JTAG-DP
* JLink Info:  #1 Id: 0x16410041, IRLen: 05, STM32 Boundary Scan
* JLink Info: TotalIRLen = 9, IRPrint = 0x0011
* JLink Info: JTAG chain detection found 2 devices:
* JLink Info:  #0 Id: 0x3BA00477, IRLen: 04, CoreSight JTAG-DP
* JLink Info:  #1 Id: 0x16410041, IRLen: 05, STM32 Boundary Scan
* JLink Info: Scanning AP map to find all available APs
* JLink Info: AP[1]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map has been reached
* JLink Info: AP[0]: AHB-AP (IDR: 0x14770011)
* JLink Info: Iterating through AP map to find AHB-AP to use
* JLink Info: AP[0]: Core found
* JLink Info: AP[0]: AHB-AP ROM base: 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: CPUID register: 0x411FC231. Implementer code: 0x41 (ARM)
* JLink Info: Found Cortex-M3 r1p1, Little endian.
* JLink Info: FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots
* JLink Info: CoreSight components:
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0] @ E00FF000
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][0]: E000E000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB000 SCS
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][1]: E0001000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB002 DWT
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][2]: E0002000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB003 FPB
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][3]: E0000000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB001 ITM
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][4]: E0040000, CID: B105900D, PID: 001BB923 TPIU-Lite
ROMTableAddr = 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* JLink Info: Reset: Reset device via AIRCR.VECTRESET.

Target info:
Device: STM32F103C8
VTarget = 3.319V
State of Pins:
TCK: 1, TDI: 0, TDO: 1, TMS: 0, TRES: 1, TRST: 1
Hardware-Breakpoints: 6
Software-Breakpoints: 8192
Watchpoints:          4
JTAG speed: 4800 kHz

Erase Done.
Programming Done.
Verify OK.
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* JLink Info: Reset: Reset device via AIRCR.VECTRESET.
Application running ...
Flash Load finished at 19:28:53
Load "YS-F1Pro\\YS-F1Pro.axf"
Set JLink Project File to "C:\Users\15470\Desktop\STM2\YSF1_HAL-009. USART-指令控制\MDK-ARM\JLinkSettings.ini"
* JLink Info: Device "STM32F103C8" selected.

JLink info:
DLL: V6.46 , compiled May 23 2019 17:49:56
Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Jan 31 2018 18:34:52
Hardware: V8.00
S/N : 20080643
Feature(s) : RDI,FlashDL,FlashBP,JFlash,GDBFull

* JLink Info: TotalIRLen = 9, IRPrint = 0x0011
* JLink Info: JTAG chain detection found 2 devices:
* JLink Info:  #0 Id: 0x3BA00477, IRLen: 04, CoreSight JTAG-DP
* JLink Info:  #1 Id: 0x16410041, IRLen: 05, STM32 Boundary Scan
* JLink Info: TotalIRLen = 9, IRPrint = 0x0011
* JLink Info: JTAG chain detection found 2 devices:
* JLink Info:  #0 Id: 0x3BA00477, IRLen: 04, CoreSight JTAG-DP
* JLink Info:  #1 Id: 0x16410041, IRLen: 05, STM32 Boundary Scan
* JLink Info: Scanning AP map to find all available APs
* JLink Info: AP[1]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map has been reached
* JLink Info: AP[0]: AHB-AP (IDR: 0x14770011)
* JLink Info: Iterating through AP map to find AHB-AP to use
* JLink Info: AP[0]: Core found
* JLink Info: AP[0]: AHB-AP ROM base: 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: CPUID register: 0x411FC231. Implementer code: 0x41 (ARM)
* JLink Info: Found Cortex-M3 r1p1, Little endian.
* JLink Info: FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots
* JLink Info: CoreSight components:
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0] @ E00FF000
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][0]: E000E000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB000 SCS
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][1]: E0001000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB002 DWT
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][2]: E0002000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB003 FPB
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][3]: E0000000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB001 ITM
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][4]: E0040000, CID: B105900D, PID: 001BB923 TPIU-Lite
ROMTableAddr = 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* JLink Info: Reset: Reset device via AIRCR.VECTRESET.

Target info:
Device: STM32F103C8
VTarget = 3.319V
State of Pins:
TCK: 1, TDI: 0, TDO: 1, TMS: 0, TRES: 1, TRST: 1
Hardware-Breakpoints: 6
Software-Breakpoints: 8192
Watchpoints:          4
JTAG speed: 4800 kHz

Erase Failed!
Error: Flash Download failed  -  "Cortex-M3"
Flash Load finished at 19:30:01
Load "YS-F1Pro\\YS-F1Pro.axf"
Set JLink Project File to "C:\Users\15470\Desktop\STM2\YSF1_HAL-009. USART-指令控制\MDK-ARM\JLinkSettings.ini"
* JLink Info: Device "STM32F103C8" selected.

JLink info:
DLL: V6.46 , compiled May 23 2019 17:49:56
Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Jan 31 2018 18:34:52
Hardware: V8.00
S/N : 20080643
Feature(s) : RDI,FlashDL,FlashBP,JFlash,GDBFull

* JLink Info: TotalIRLen = 9, IRPrint = 0x0011
* JLink Info: JTAG chain detection found 2 devices:
* JLink Info:  #0 Id: 0x3BA00477, IRLen: 04, CoreSight JTAG-DP
* JLink Info:  #1 Id: 0x16410041, IRLen: 05, STM32 Boundary Scan
* JLink Info: TotalIRLen = 9, IRPrint = 0x0011
* JLink Info: JTAG chain detection found 2 devices:
* JLink Info:  #0 Id: 0x3BA00477, IRLen: 04, CoreSight JTAG-DP
* JLink Info:  #1 Id: 0x16410041, IRLen: 05, STM32 Boundary Scan
* JLink Info: Scanning AP map to find all available APs
* JLink Info: AP[1]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map has been reached
* JLink Info: AP[0]: AHB-AP (IDR: 0x14770011)
* JLink Info: Iterating through AP map to find AHB-AP to use
* JLink Info: AP[0]: Core found
* JLink Info: AP[0]: AHB-AP ROM base: 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: CPUID register: 0x411FC231. Implementer code: 0x41 (ARM)
* JLink Info: Found Cortex-M3 r1p1, Little endian.
* JLink Info: FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots
* JLink Info: CoreSight components:
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0] @ E00FF000
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][0]: E000E000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB000 SCS
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][1]: E0001000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB002 DWT
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][2]: E0002000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB003 FPB
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][3]: E0000000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB001 ITM
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][4]: E0040000, CID: B105900D, PID: 001BB923 TPIU-Lite
ROMTableAddr = 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* JLink Info: Reset: Reset device via AIRCR.VECTRESET.

Target info:
Device: STM32F103C8
VTarget = 3.319V
State of Pins:
TCK: 1, TDI: 0, TDO: 1, TMS: 0, TRES: 1, TRST: 1
Hardware-Breakpoints: 6
Software-Breakpoints: 8192
Watchpoints:          4
JTAG speed: 4800 kHz

Erase Failed!
Error: Flash Download failed  -  "Cortex-M3"
Flash Load finished at 19:30:08
Load "YS-F1Pro\\YS-F1Pro.axf"
Set JLink Project File to "C:\Users\15470\Desktop\STM2\YSF1_HAL-009. USART-指令控制\MDK-ARM\JLinkSettings.ini"
* JLink Info: Device "STM32F103C8" selected.

JLink info:
DLL: V6.46 , compiled May 23 2019 17:49:56
Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Jan 31 2018 18:34:52
Hardware: V8.00
S/N : 20080643
Feature(s) : RDI,FlashDL,FlashBP,JFlash,GDBFull

* JLink Info: TotalIRLen = 9, IRPrint = 0x0011
* JLink Info: JTAG chain detection found 2 devices:
* JLink Info:  #0 Id: 0x3BA00477, IRLen: 04, CoreSight JTAG-DP
* JLink Info:  #1 Id: 0x16410041, IRLen: 05, STM32 Boundary Scan
* JLink Info: TotalIRLen = 9, IRPrint = 0x0011
* JLink Info: JTAG chain detection found 2 devices:
* JLink Info:  #0 Id: 0x3BA00477, IRLen: 04, CoreSight JTAG-DP
* JLink Info:  #1 Id: 0x16410041, IRLen: 05, STM32 Boundary Scan
* JLink Info: Scanning AP map to find all available APs
* JLink Info: AP[1]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map has been reached
* JLink Info: AP[0]: AHB-AP (IDR: 0x14770011)
* JLink Info: Iterating through AP map to find AHB-AP to use
* JLink Info: AP[0]: Core found
* JLink Info: AP[0]: AHB-AP ROM base: 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: CPUID register: 0x411FC231. Implementer code: 0x41 (ARM)
* JLink Info: Found Cortex-M3 r1p1, Little endian.
* JLink Info: FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots
* JLink Info: CoreSight components:
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0] @ E00FF000
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][0]: E000E000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB000 SCS
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][1]: E0001000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB002 DWT
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][2]: E0002000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB003 FPB
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][3]: E0000000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB001 ITM
* JLink Info: ROMTbl[0][4]: E0040000, CID: B105900D, PID: 001BB923 TPIU-Lite
ROMTableAddr = 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* JLink Info: Reset: Reset device via AIRCR.VECTRESET.

Target info:
Device: STM32F103C8
VTarget = 3.319V
State of Pins:
TCK: 1, TDI: 0, TDO: 1, TMS: 0, TRES: 1, TRST: 1
Hardware-Breakpoints: 6
Software-Breakpoints: 8192
Watchpoints:          4
JTAG speed: 4800 kHz

Erase Done.
Programming Done.
Verify OK.
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
* JLink Info: Reset: Reset device via AIRCR.VECTRESET.
Application running ...
Flash Load finished at 19:30:24


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Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

2111 小时
发表于 2019-8-31 02:12:33 | 显示全部楼层

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