This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack.
This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen
Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
See COPYING file for copyrights details.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
#include "pdo.h"
#include "objacces.h"
#include "canfestival.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
** @file pdo.c
** @Author Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
** @date Tue Jun 5 09:32:32 2007
** @brief
** @param d
** @param TPDO_com TPDO communication parameters OD entry
** @param TPDO_map TPDO mapping parameters OD entry
** @return
** @param d
** @param m
** @return
proceedPDO (CO_Data * d, Message * m)
UNS8 numPdo;
UNS8 numMap; /* Number of the mapped varable */
UNS8 *pMappingCount = NULL; /* count of mapped objects... */
/* pointer to the var which is mapped to a pdo... */
/* void * pMappedAppObject = NULL; */
/* pointer fo the var which holds the mapping parameter of an
mapping entry */
UNS32 *pMappingParameter = NULL;
UNS8 *pTransmissionType = NULL; /* pointer to the transmission
type */
UNS16 *pwCobId = NULL;
UNS8 Size;
UNS8 offset;
UNS8 status;
UNS32 objDict;
UNS16 offsetObjdict;
UNS16 lastIndex;
if (offsetObjdict)
while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex)
switch (status)
case state2:
pwCobId = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[1].pObject;
if (*pwCobId == UNS16_LE(m->cob_id))
/* The cobId is recognized */
status = state4;
MSG_WAR (0x3936, "cobId found at index ",
0x1400 + numPdo);
/* received cobId does not match */
status = state2;
case state4: /* Get Mapped Objects Number */
/* The cobId of the message received has been found in the
dictionnary. */
offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV_MAP;
lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV_MAP;
pMappingCount =
(UNS8 *) (d->objdict + offsetObjdict +
numMap = 0;
while (numMap < *pMappingCount)
UNS8 tmp[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
UNS32 ByteSize;
pMappingParameter =
(UNS32 *) (d->objdict + offsetObjdict +
numPdo)->pSubindex[numMap + 1].pObject;
if (pMappingParameter == NULL)
MSG_ERR (0x1937, "Couldn't get mapping parameter : ",
numMap + 1);
return 0xFF;
/* Get the addresse of the mapped variable. */
/* detail of *pMappingParameter : */
/* The 16 hight bits contains the index, the medium 8 bits
contains the subindex, */
/* and the lower 8 bits contains the size of the mapped
variable. */
if (objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL)
MSG_ERR (0x1938,
"error accessing to the mapped var : ",
numMap + 1);
MSG_WAR (0x2939, " Mapped at index : ",
(*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
MSG_WAR (0x2940, " subindex : ",
((*pMappingParameter) >> 8) & 0xFF);
return 0xFF;
MSG_WAR (0x3942,
"Variable updated by PDO cobid : ",
MSG_WAR (0x3943, " Mapped at index : ",
(*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
MSG_WAR (0x3944, " subindex : ",
((*pMappingParameter) >> 8) & 0xFF);
offset += Size;
} /* end loop while on mapped variables */
if (d->RxPDO_EventTimers)
TIMEVAL EventTimerDuration = *(UNS16 *)d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[5].pObject;
DelAlarm (d->RxPDO_EventTimers[numPdo]);
d->RxPDO_EventTimers[numPdo] = SetAlarm (d, numPdo, d->RxPDO_EventTimers_Handler,
MS_TO_TIMEVAL (EventTimerDuration), 0);
return 0;
} /* end switch status */
} /* end while */
} /* end if Donnees */
else if ((*m).rtr == REQUEST)
MSG_WAR (0x3946, "Receive a PDO request cobId : ", UNS16_LE(m->cob_id));
status = state1;
offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;
if (offsetObjdict)
while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex)
/* study of all PDO stored in the objects dictionary */
switch (status)
case state1: /* check the CobId */
/* get CobId of the dictionary which match to the received PDO
pwCobId =
(d->objdict +
if (*pwCobId == UNS16_LE(m->cob_id))
status = state4;
status = state1;
case state4: /* check transmission type */
pTransmissionType =
(UNS8 *) d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[2].pObject;
/* If PDO is to be sampled and send on RTR, do it */
if ((*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR))
status = state5;
/* RTR_SYNC means data prepared at SYNC, transmitted on RTR */
else if ((*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR_SYNC))
if (d->PDO_status[numPdo].
transmit_type_parameter & PDO_RTR_SYNC_READY)
/*Data ready, just send */
canSend (d->canHandle,
return 0;
/* if SYNC did never occur, transmit current data */
/* DS301 do not tell what to do in such a case... */
MSG_ERR (0x1947,
"Not ready RTR_SYNC TPDO send current data : ",
status = state5;
else if ((*pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT_PROFILE) ||
(*pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT_SPECIFIC))
/* Zap all timers and inhibit flag */
d->PDO_status[numPdo].event_timer =
DelAlarm (d->PDO_status[numPdo].event_timer);
d->PDO_status[numPdo].inhibit_timer =
DelAlarm (d->PDO_status[numPdo].inhibit_timer);
d->PDO_status[numPdo].transmit_type_parameter &=
/* Call PDOEventTimerAlarm for this TPDO,
* this will trigger emission et reset timers */
PDOEventTimerAlarm (d, numPdo);
return 0;
/* The requested PDO is not to send on request. So, does
nothing. */
MSG_WAR (0x2947, "PDO is not to send on request : ",
return 0xFF;
case state5: /* build and send requested PDO */
Message pdo;
if (buildPDO (d, numPdo, &pdo))
MSG_ERR (0x1948, " Couldn't build TPDO number : ", numPdo);
return 0xFF;
canSend (d->canHandle, &pdo);
return 0;
} /* end switch status */
} /* end while */
} /* end if Requete */
return 0;
** @param NbBits
** @param SrcByteIndex
** @param SrcBitIndex
** @param SrcBigEndian
** @param DestByteIndex
** @param DestBitIndex
** @param DestBigEndian
CopyBits (UNS8 NbBits, UNS8 * SrcByteIndex, UNS8 SrcBitIndex,
UNS8 SrcBigEndian, UNS8 * DestByteIndex, UNS8 DestBitIndex,
UNS8 DestBigEndian)
/* This loop copy as many bits that it can each time, crossing */
/* successively bytes */
// boundaries from LSB to MSB.
while (NbBits > 0)
/* Bit missalignement between src and dest */
INTEGER8 Vect = DestBitIndex - SrcBitIndex;
/* We can now get src and align it to dest */
UNS8 Aligned =
Vect > 0 ? *SrcByteIndex << Vect : *SrcByteIndex >> -Vect;
/* Compute the nb of bit we will be able to copy */
UNS8 BoudaryLimit = (Vect > 0 ? 8 - DestBitIndex : 8 - SrcBitIndex);
UNS8 BitsToCopy = BoudaryLimit > NbBits ? NbBits : BoudaryLimit;
/* Create a mask that will serve in: */
UNS8 Mask =
((0xff << (DestBitIndex + BitsToCopy)) |
(0xff >> (8 - DestBitIndex)));
/* - and erase bits where we write, preserve where we don't */
*DestByteIndex &= Mask;
/* Then write. */
*DestByteIndex |= Filtered;
/*Compute next time cursors for src */
if ((SrcBitIndex += BitsToCopy) > 7) /* cross boundary ? */
SrcBitIndex = 0; /* First bit */
SrcByteIndex += (SrcBigEndian ? -1 : 1); /* Next byte */
/*Compute next time cursors for dest */
if ((DestBitIndex += BitsToCopy) > 7)
DestBitIndex = 0; /* First bit */
DestByteIndex += (DestBigEndian ? -1 : 1); /* Next byte */
/*Compare new and old PDO */
if (d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.cob_id == pdo.cob_id
&& d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.len == pdo.len
&& memcmp(d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.data,
pdo.data, 8) == 0
/* No changes -> go to next pdo */
return 0;
UNS8 _sendPDOevent (CO_Data * d, UNS8 isSyncEvent)
UNS8 pdoNum = 0x00; /* number of the actual processed pdo-nr. */
UNS8 *pTransmissionType = NULL;
UNS8 status = state3;
UNS16 offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
UNS16 offsetObjdictMap = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
UNS16 lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;
if (!d->CurrentCommunicationState.csPDO)
return 0;
/* study all PDO stored in the objects dictionary */
if (offsetObjdict)
Message pdo;/* = Message_Initializer;*/
memset(&pdo, 0, sizeof(pdo));
while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex)
switch (status)
case state3:
if ( /* bSubCount always 5 with objdictedit -> check disabled */
/*d->objdict[offsetObjdict].bSubCount < 5 ||*/
/* check if TPDO is not valid */
*(UNS32 *) d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[1].
pObject & 0x80000000)
MSG_WAR (0x3960, "Not a valid PDO ", 0x1800 + pdoNum);
/*Go next TPDO */
status = state11;
/* get the PDO transmission type */
pTransmissionType =
(UNS8 *) d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[2].pObject;
MSG_WAR (0x3962, "Reading PDO at index : ", 0x1800 + pdoNum);
/* check if transmission type is SYNCRONOUS */
/* message transmited every n SYNC with n=TransmissionType */
if (isSyncEvent &&
(*pTransmissionType >= TRANS_SYNC_MIN) &&
(*pTransmissionType <= TRANS_SYNC_MAX) &&
(++d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter ==
/*Reset count of SYNC */
d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter = 0;
MSG_WAR (0x3964, " PDO is on SYNCHRO. Trans type : ",
memset(&pdo, 0, sizeof(pdo));
Message msg_init = Message_Initializer;
pdo = msg_init;
if (buildPDO (d, pdoNum, &pdo))
MSG_ERR (0x1906, " Couldn't build TPDO number : ",
status = state11;
status = state5;
/* If transmission RTR, with data sampled on SYNC */
else if (isSyncEvent && (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR_SYNC))
if (buildPDO
(d, pdoNum, &d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message))
MSG_ERR (0x1966, " Couldn't build TPDO number : ",
d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter &=
d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter |=
status = state11;
/* If transmission on Event and not inhibited, check for changes */
if ( (isSyncEvent && (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_SYNC_ACYCLIC))
(!isSyncEvent && (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT_PROFILE || *pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT_SPECIFIC)
&& !(d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter & PDO_INHIBITED)))
sendOnePDOevent(d, pdoNum);
status = state11;
MSG_WAR (0x306C,
" PDO is not on EVENT or synchro or not at this SYNC. Trans type : ",
status = state11;
case state5: /*Send the pdo */
sendPdo(d, pdoNum, &pdo);
status = state11;
case state11: /*Go to next TPDO */
MSG_WAR (0x3970, "next pdo index : ", pdoNum);
status = state3;
MSG_ERR (0x1972, "Unknown state has been reached :", status);
return 0xFF;
} /* end switch case */
UNS32 TPDO_Communication_Parameter_Callback (CO_Data * d,
const indextable * OD_entry,
UNS8 bSubindex)
/* If PDO are actives */
if (d->CurrentCommunicationState.csPDO)
switch (bSubindex)
case 2: /* Changed transmition type */
case 3: /* Changed inhibit time */
case 5: /* Changed event time */
const indextable *TPDO_com = d->objdict + d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
UNS8 numPdo = (UNS8) (OD_entry - TPDO_com); /* number of the actual processed pdo-nr. */
/* Zap all timers and inhibit flag */
d->PDO_status[numPdo].event_timer =
DelAlarm (d->PDO_status[numPdo].event_timer);
d->PDO_status[numPdo].inhibit_timer =
DelAlarm (d->PDO_status[numPdo].inhibit_timer);
d->PDO_status[numPdo].transmit_type_parameter = 0;
/* Call PDOEventTimerAlarm for this TPDO, this will trigger emission et reset timers */
PDOEventTimerAlarm (d, numPdo);
return 0;
default: /* other subindex are ignored */
return 0;
void PDOInit (CO_Data * d)
/* For each TPDO mapping parameters */
UNS16 pdoIndex = 0x1800; /* OD index of TDPO */
UNS16 offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
UNS16 lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;
if (offsetObjdict)
while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex)
/* Assign callbacks to sensible TPDO mapping subindexes */
UNS32 errorCode;
ODCallback_t *CallbackList;
/* Find callback list */
scanIndexOD (d, pdoIndex, &errorCode, &CallbackList);
if (errorCode == OD_SUCCESSFUL && CallbackList)
/*Assign callbacks to corresponding subindex */
/* Transmission type */
CallbackList[2] = &TPDO_Communication_Parameter_Callback;
/* Inhibit time */
CallbackList[3] = &TPDO_Communication_Parameter_Callback;
/* Event timer */
CallbackList[5] = &TPDO_Communication_Parameter_Callback;
/* Trigger a non-sync event */
_sendPDOevent (d, 0);
PDOStop (CO_Data * d)
/* For each TPDO mapping parameters */
UNS8 pdoNum = 0x00; /* number of the actual processed pdo-nr. */
UNS16 offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
UNS16 lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;
if (offsetObjdict)
while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex)
/* Delete TPDO timers */
d->PDO_status[pdoNum].event_timer =
DelAlarm (d->PDO_status[pdoNum].event_timer);
d->PDO_status[pdoNum].inhibit_timer =
DelAlarm (d->PDO_status[pdoNum].inhibit_timer);
/* Reset transmit type parameter */
d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter = 0;
d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.cob_id = 0;
Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
See COPYING file for copyrights details.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
** @file sdo.c
** @author Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
** @date Tue Jun 5 09:32:32 2007
** @brief
/** Returns the command specifier (cs, ccs, scs) from the first byte of the SDO
#define getSDOcs(byte) (byte >> 5)
/** Returns the number of bytes without data from the first byte of the SDO. Coded in 2 bits
#define getSDOn2(byte) ((byte >> 2) & 3)
/** Returns the number of bytes without data from the first byte of the SDO. Coded in 3 bits
#define getSDOn3(byte) ((byte >> 1) & 7)
/** Returns the transfer type from the first byte of the SDO
#define getSDOe(byte) ((byte >> 1) & 1)
/** Returns the size indicator from the first byte of the SDO
#define getSDOs(byte) (byte & 1)
/** Returns the indicator of end transmission from the first byte of the SDO
#define getSDOc(byte) (byte & 1)
/** Returns the toggle from the first byte of the SDO
#define getSDOt(byte) ((byte >> 4) & 1)
/** Returns the index from the bytes 1 and 2 of the SDO
#define getSDOindex(byte1, byte2) (((UNS16)byte2 << 8) | ((UNS16)byte1))
/** Returns the subIndex from the byte 3 of the SDO
#define getSDOsubIndex(byte3) (byte3)
/** Returns the subcommand in SDO block transfer
#define getSDOblockSC(byte) (byte & 3)
** @param d
** @param id
void SDOTimeoutAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id)
UNS16 offset;
UNS8 nodeId;
/* Get the client->server cobid.*/
offset = d->firstIndex->SDO_CLT;
if ((offset == 0) || ((offset+d->transfers[id].CliServNbr) > d->lastIndex->SDO_CLT)) {
return ;
nodeId = (UNS8) *((UNS32*) d->objdict[offset+d->transfers[id].CliServNbr].pSubindex[3].pObject);
MSG_ERR(0x1A01, "SDO timeout. SDO response not received.", 0);
MSG_WAR(0x2A02, "server node id : ", nodeId);
MSG_WAR(0x2A02, " index : ", d->transfers[id].index);
MSG_WAR(0x2A02, " subIndex : ", d->transfers[id].subIndex);
/* Reset timer handler */
d->transfers[id].timer = TIMER_NONE;
/*Set aborted state*/
d->transfers[id].state = SDO_ABORTED_INTERNAL;
/* Sending a SDO abort */
sendSDOabort(d, d->transfers[id].whoami, d->transfers[id].CliServNbr,
d->transfers[id].index, d->transfers[id].subIndex, SDOABT_TIMED_OUT);
d->transfers[id].abortCode = SDOABT_TIMED_OUT;
/* Call the user function to inform of the problem.*/
/*If ther is a callback, it is responsible to close SDO transfer (client)*/
(*d->transfers[id].Callback)(d, nodeId);
/*Reset the line if (whoami == SDO_SERVER) or the callback did not close the line.
Otherwise this sdo transfer would never be closed. */
if(d->transfers[id].abortCode == SDOABT_TIMED_OUT)
resetSDOline(d, (UNS8)id);
#define StopSDO_TIMER(id) \
MSG_WAR(0x3A05, "StopSDO_TIMER for line : ", line);\
d->transfers[id].timer = DelAlarm(d->transfers[id].timer);
#define StartSDO_TIMER(id) \
MSG_WAR(0x3A06, "StartSDO_TIMER for line : ", line);\
d->transfers[id].timer = SetAlarm(d,id,&SDOTimeoutAlarm,MS_TO_TIMEVAL(SDO_TIMEOUT_MS),0);
#define RestartSDO_TIMER(id) \
MSG_WAR(0x3A07, "restartSDO_TIMER for line : ", line);\
if(d->transfers[id].timer != TIMER_NONE) { StopSDO_TIMER(id) StartSDO_TIMER(id) }
** Reset all sdo buffers
** @param d
void resetSDO (CO_Data* d)
UNS8 j;
/* transfer structure initialization */
for (j = 0 ; j < SDO_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TRANSFERS ; j++)
resetSDOline(d, j);
** @param d
** @param line
** @return
UNS32 SDOlineToObjdict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line)
UNS32 size;
UNS32 errorCode;
MSG_WAR(0x3A08, "Enter in SDOlineToObjdict ", line);
/* if SDO initiated with e=0 and s=0 count is null, offset carry effective size*/
if( d->transfers[line].count == 0)
d->transfers[line].count = d->transfers[line].offset;
size = d->transfers[line].count;
for (i = 0 ; i < SDO_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TRANSFERS ; i++){
if ( d->transfers.state == SDO_RESET ) {
*line = i;
d->transfers.whoami = whoami;
return 0;
} /* end if */
} /* end for */
MSG_ERR(0x1A25, "Too many SDO in progress. Aborted.", i);
return 0xFF;
** @param d
** @param m
** @return
UNS8 proceedSDO (CO_Data* d, Message *m)
UNS8 err;
UNS8 cs;
UNS8 line;
UNS32 nbBytes; /* received or to be transmited. */
UNS8 nodeId = 0; /* The node Id of the server if client otherwise unused */
UNS8 CliServNbr;
UNS32 errorCode; /* while reading or writing in the local object dictionary.*/
UNS8 data[8]; /* data for SDO to transmit */
UNS16 index;
UNS8 subIndex;
UNS32 abortCode;
UNS32 i;
UNS8 j;
UNS32 *pCobId = NULL;
UNS16 offset;
UNS16 lastIndex;
UNS8 SubCommand; /* Block transfer only */
UNS8 SeqNo; /* Sequence number in block transfer */
UNS8 AckSeq; /* Sequence number of last segment that was received successfully */
UNS8 NbBytesNoData; /* Number of bytes that do not contain data in last segment of block transfer */
MSG_WAR(0x3A60, "proceedSDO ", 0);
whoami = SDO_UNKNOWN;
/* Looking for the cobId in the object dictionary. */
/* Am-I a server ? */
offset = d->firstIndex->SDO_SVR;
lastIndex = d->lastIndex->SDO_SVR;
j = 0;
if(offset) while (offset <= lastIndex) {
if (d->objdict[offset].bSubCount <= 1) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A61, "Subindex 1 not found at index ", 0x1200 + j);
return 0xFF;
/* Looking for the cobid received. */
pCobId = (UNS32*) d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[1].pObject;
if ( *pCobId == UNS16_LE(m->cob_id) ) {
whoami = SDO_SERVER;
MSG_WAR(0x3A62, "proceedSDO. I am server. index : ", 0x1200 + j);
/* Defining Server number = index minus 0x1200 where the cobid received is defined. */
CliServNbr = j;
} /* end while */
if (whoami == SDO_UNKNOWN) {
/* Am-I client ? */
offset = d->firstIndex->SDO_CLT;
lastIndex = d->lastIndex->SDO_CLT;
j = 0;
if(offset) while (offset <= lastIndex) {
if (d->objdict[offset].bSubCount <= 3) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A63, "Subindex 3 not found at index ", 0x1280 + j);
return 0xFF;
/* Looking for the cobid received. */
pCobId = (UNS32*) d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[2].pObject;
if (*pCobId == UNS16_LE(m->cob_id) ) {
whoami = SDO_CLIENT;
MSG_WAR(0x3A64, "proceedSDO. I am client index : ", 0x1280 + j);
/* Defining Client number = index minus 0x1280 where the cobid received is defined. */
CliServNbr = j;
/* Reading the server node ID, if client it is mandatory in the OD */
nodeId = *((UNS8*) d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[3].pObject);
} /* end while */
if (whoami == SDO_UNKNOWN) {
return 0xFF;/* This SDO was not for us ! */
/* Test if the size of the SDO is ok */
if ( (*m).len != 8) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A67, "Error size SDO", 0);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
if (whoami == SDO_CLIENT) {
MSG_WAR(0x3A68, "I am CLIENT number ", CliServNbr);
else {
MSG_WAR(0x3A69, "I am SERVER number ", CliServNbr);
/* Look for an SDO transfer already initiated. */
err = getSDOlineOnUse( d, CliServNbr, whoami, &line );
/* Let's find cs value, first it is set as "not valid" */
cs = 0xFF;
/* Special cases for block transfer : in frames with segment data cs is not spécified */
if (!err) {
if ((whoami == SDO_SERVER) && (d->transfers[line].state == SDO_BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS) ||
(whoami == SDO_CLIENT) && (d->transfers[line].state == SDO_BLOCK_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS)) {
if(m->data[0] == 0x80) /* If first byte is 0x80 it is an abort frame (seqno = 0 not allowed) */
cs = 4;
cs = 6;
/* Other cases : cs is specified */
if (cs == 0xFF)
cs = getSDOcs(m->data[0]);
case 0:
/* I am SERVER */
if (whoami == SDO_SERVER) {
/* Receiving a download segment data : an SDO transfer should have been yet initiated. */
if (!err)
err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A70, "SDO error : Received download segment for unstarted trans. index 0x1200 + ",
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* Reset the wathdog */
MSG_WAR(0x3A71, "Received SDO download segment defined at index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
index = d->transfers[line].index;
subIndex = d->transfers[line].subIndex;
/* Toggle test. */
if (d->transfers[line].toggle != getSDOt(m->data[0])) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A72, "SDO error : Toggle error : ", getSDOt(m->data[0]));
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_TOGGLE_NOT_ALTERNED);
return 0xFF;
/* Nb of data to be downloaded */
nbBytes = 7 - getSDOn3(m->data[0]);
/* Store the data in the transfer structure. */
err = SDOtoLine(d, line, nbBytes, (*m).data + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* Sending the SDO response, CS = 1 */
data[0] = (1 << 5) | (d->transfers[line].toggle << 4);
for (i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3A73, "SDO. Send response to download request defined at index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
/* Inverting the toggle for the next segment. */
d->transfers[line].toggle = ! d->transfers[line].toggle & 1;
/* If it was the last segment, */
if (getSDOc(m->data[0])) {
/* Transfering line data to object dictionary. */
/* The code does not use the "d" of initiate frame. So it is safe if e=s=0 */
errorCode = SDOlineToObjdict(d, line);
if (errorCode) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A54, "SDO error : Unable to copy the data in the object dictionary", 0);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, errorCode);
return 0xFF;
/* Release of the line */
resetSDOline(d, line);
MSG_WAR(0x3A74, "SDO. End of download defined at index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
} /* end if SERVER */
else { /* if CLIENT */
/* I am CLIENT */
/* It is a request for a previous upload segment. We should find a line opened for this.*/
if (!err)
err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A75, "SDO error : Received segment response for unknown trans. from nodeId", nodeId);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* Reset the wathdog */
index = d->transfers[line].index;
subIndex = d->transfers[line].subIndex;
/* test of the toggle; */
if (d->transfers[line].toggle != getSDOt(m->data[0])) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A76, "SDO error : Received segment response Toggle error. from nodeId", nodeId);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_TOGGLE_NOT_ALTERNED);
return 0xFF;
/* nb of data to be uploaded */
nbBytes = 7 - getSDOn3(m->data[0]);
/* Storing the data in the line structure. */
err = SDOtoLine(d, line, nbBytes, (*m).data + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* Inverting the toggle for the next segment. */
d->transfers[line].toggle = ! d->transfers[line].toggle & 1;
/* If it was the last segment,*/
if ( getSDOc(m->data[0])) {
/* Put in state finished */
/* The code is safe for the case e=s=0 in initiate frame. */
d->transfers[line].state = SDO_FINISHED;
if(d->transfers[line].Callback) (*d->transfers[line].Callback)(d,nodeId);
MSG_WAR(0x3A77, "SDO. End of upload from node : ", nodeId);
else { /* more segments to receive */
/* Sending the request for the next segment. */
data[0] = (3 << 5) | (d->transfers[line].toggle << 4);
for (i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
MSG_WAR(0x3A78, "SDO send upload segment request to nodeId", nodeId);
} /* End if CLIENT */
case 1:
/* I am SERVER */
/* Receive of an initiate download */
if (whoami == SDO_SERVER) {
index = getSDOindex(m->data[1],m->data[2]);
subIndex = getSDOsubIndex(m->data[3]);
MSG_WAR(0x3A79, "Received SDO Initiate Download (to store data) defined at index 0x1200 + ",
MSG_WAR(0x3A80, "Writing at index : ", index);
MSG_WAR(0x3A80, "Writing at subIndex : ", subIndex);
/* Search if a SDO transfer have been yet initiated */
if (! err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A81, "SDO error : Transmission yet started.", 0);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* No line on use. Great ! */
/* Try to open a new line. */
err = getSDOfreeLine( d, whoami, &line );
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A82, "SDO error : No line free, too many SDO in progress. Aborted.", 0);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
initSDOline(d, line, CliServNbr, index, subIndex, SDO_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS);
if (getSDOe(m->data[0])) { /* If SDO expedited */
/* nb of data to be downloaded */
nbBytes = 4 - getSDOn2(m->data[0]);
/* Storing the data in the line structure. */
d->transfers[line].count = nbBytes;
err = SDOtoLine(d, line, nbBytes, (*m).data + 4);
/* SDO expedited -> transfer finished. Data can be stored in the dictionary. */
/*The line will be reseted when it is downloading in the dictionary. */
MSG_WAR(0x3A83, "SDO Initiate Download is an expedited transfer. Finished. ", 0);
/* Transfering line data to object dictionary. */
errorCode = SDOlineToObjdict(d, line);
if (errorCode) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A84, "SDO error : Unable to copy the data in the object dictionary", 0);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, errorCode);
return 0xFF;
/* Release of the line. */
resetSDOline(d, line);
else {/* So, if it is not an expedited transfer */
if (getSDOs(m->data[0])) {
nbBytes = (m->data[4]) + ((UNS32)(m->data[5])<<8) + ((UNS32)(m->data[6])<<16) + ((UNS32)(m->data[7])<<24);
err = setSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, nbBytes);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/*Sending a SDO, cs=3*/
data[0] = 3 << 5;
data[1] = index & 0xFF; /* LSB */
data[2] = (index >> 8) & 0xFF; /* MSB */
data[3] = subIndex;
for (i = 4 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
} /* end if I am SERVER */
else {
/* I am CLIENT */
/* It is a response for a previous download segment. We should find a line opened for this. */
if (!err)
err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A85, "SDO error : Received segment response for unknown trans. from nodeId", nodeId);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* Reset the wathdog */
index = d->transfers[line].index;
subIndex = d->transfers[line].subIndex;
/* test of the toggle; */
if (d->transfers[line].toggle != getSDOt(m->data[0])) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A86, "SDO error : Received segment response Toggle error. from nodeId", nodeId);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_TOGGLE_NOT_ALTERNED);
return 0xFF;
/* End transmission or downloading next segment. We need to know if it will be the last one. */
getSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, &nbBytes);
if (nbBytes == 0) {
MSG_WAR(0x3A87, "SDO End download. segment response received. OK. from nodeId", nodeId);
d->transfers[line].state = SDO_FINISHED;
if(d->transfers[line].Callback) (*d->transfers[line].Callback)(d,nodeId);
return 0x00;
/* At least one transfer to send. */
if (nbBytes > 7) {
/* several segments to download.*/
/* code to send the next segment. (cs = 0; c = 0) */
d->transfers[line].toggle = ! d->transfers[line].toggle & 1;
data[0] = (d->transfers[line].toggle << 4);
err = lineToSDO(d, line, 7, data + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
else {
/* Last segment. */
/* code to send the last segment. (cs = 0; c = 1)*/
d->transfers[line].toggle = ! d->transfers[line].toggle & 1;
data[0] = (UNS8)((d->transfers[line].toggle << 4) | ((7 - nbBytes) << 1) | 1);
err = lineToSDO(d, line, nbBytes, data + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
for (i = nbBytes + 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3A88, "SDO sending download segment to nodeId", nodeId);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
} /* end if I am a CLIENT */
case 2:
/* I am SERVER */
/* Receive of an initiate upload.*/
if (whoami == SDO_SERVER) {
index = getSDOindex(m->data[1],m->data[2]);
subIndex = getSDOsubIndex(m->data[3]);
MSG_WAR(0x3A89, "Received SDO Initiate upload (to send data) defined at index 0x1200 + ",
MSG_WAR(0x3A90, "Reading at index : ", index);
MSG_WAR(0x3A91, "Reading at subIndex : ", subIndex);
/* Search if a SDO transfer have been yet initiated*/
if (! err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A92, "SDO error : Transmission yet started at line : ", line);
MSG_WAR(0x3A93, "Server Nbr = ", CliServNbr);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* No line on use. Great !*/
/* Try to open a new line.*/
err = getSDOfreeLine( d, whoami, &line );
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A71, "SDO error : No line free, too many SDO in progress. Aborted.", 0);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
initSDOline(d, line, CliServNbr, index, subIndex, SDO_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS);
/* Transfer data from dictionary to the line structure. */
errorCode = objdictToSDOline(d, line);
if (errorCode) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A94, "SDO error : Unable to copy the data from object dictionary. Err code : ",
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, errorCode);
return 0xFF;
/* Preparing the response.*/
getSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, &nbBytes); /* Nb bytes to transfer ? */
if (nbBytes > 4) {
/* normal transfer. (segmented). */
/* code to send the initiate upload response. (cs = 2) */
data[0] = (2 << 5) | 1;
data[1] = index & 0xFF; /* LSB */
data[2] = (index >> 8) & 0xFF; /* MSB */
data[3] = subIndex;
data[4] = (UNS8) nbBytes;
data[5] = (UNS8) (nbBytes >> 8);
data[6] = (UNS8) (nbBytes >> 16);
data[7] = (UNS8) (nbBytes >> 24);
MSG_WAR(0x3A95, "SDO. Sending normal upload initiate response defined at index 0x1200 + ", nodeId);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
else {
/* Expedited upload. (cs = 2 ; e = 1) */
data[0] = (UNS8)((2 << 5) | ((4 - nbBytes) << 2) | 3);
data[1] = index & 0xFF; /* LSB */
data[2] = (index >> 8) & 0xFF; /* MSB */
data[3] = subIndex;
err = lineToSDO(d, line, nbBytes, data + 4);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
for (i = 4 + nbBytes ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3A96, "SDO. Sending expedited upload initiate response defined at index 0x1200 + ",
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
/* Release the line.*/
resetSDOline(d, line);
} /* end if I am SERVER*/
else {
/* I am CLIENT */
/* It is the response for the previous initiate upload request.*/
/* We should find a line opened for this. */
if (!err)
err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A97, "SDO error : Received response for unknown upload request from nodeId", nodeId);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* Reset the wathdog */
index = d->transfers[line].index;
subIndex = d->transfers[line].subIndex;
if (getSDOe(m->data[0])) { /* If SDO expedited */
/* nb of data to be uploaded */
nbBytes = 4 - getSDOn2(m->data[0]);
/* Storing the data in the line structure. */
err = SDOtoLine(d, line, nbBytes, (*m).data + 4);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* SDO expedited -> transfer finished. data are available via getReadResultNetworkDict(). */
MSG_WAR(0x3A98, "SDO expedited upload finished. Response received from node : ", nodeId);
d->transfers[line].count = nbBytes;
d->transfers[line].state = SDO_FINISHED;
if(d->transfers[line].Callback) (*d->transfers[line].Callback)(d,nodeId);
return 0;
else { /* So, if it is not an expedited transfer */
/* Storing the nb of data to receive. */
if (getSDOs(m->data[0])) {
nbBytes = m->data[4] + ((UNS32)(m->data[5])<<8) + ((UNS32)(m->data[6])<<16) + ((UNS32)(m->data[7])<<24);
err = setSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, nbBytes);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* Requesting next segment. (cs = 3) */
data[0] = 3 << 5;
for (i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3A99, "SDO. Sending upload segment request to node : ", nodeId);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
} /* End if CLIENT */
case 3:
/* I am SERVER */
if (whoami == SDO_SERVER) {
/* Receiving a upload segment. */
/* A SDO transfer should have been yet initiated. */
if (!err)
err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AA0, "SDO error : Received upload segment for unstarted trans. index 0x1200 + ",
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* Reset the wathdog */
MSG_WAR(0x3AA1, "Received SDO upload segment defined at index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
index = d->transfers[line].index;
subIndex = d->transfers[line].subIndex;
/* Toggle test.*/
if (d->transfers[line].toggle != getSDOt(m->data[0])) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AA2, "SDO error : Toggle error : ", getSDOt(m->data[0]));
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_TOGGLE_NOT_ALTERNED);
return 0xFF;
/* Uploading next segment. We need to know if it will be the last one. */
getSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, &nbBytes);
if (nbBytes > 7) {
/* The segment to transfer is not the last one.*/
/* code to send the next segment. (cs = 0; c = 0) */
data[0] = (d->transfers[line].toggle << 4);
err = lineToSDO(d, line, 7, data + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* Inverting the toggle for the next tranfert. */
d->transfers[line].toggle = ! d->transfers[line].toggle & 1;
MSG_WAR(0x3AA3, "SDO. Sending upload segment defined at index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
else {
/* Last segment. */
/* code to send the last segment. (cs = 0; c = 1) */
data[0] = (UNS8)((d->transfers[line].toggle << 4) | ((7 - nbBytes) << 1) | 1);
err = lineToSDO(d, line, nbBytes, data + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
for (i = nbBytes + 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3AA4, "SDO. Sending last upload segment defined at index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
/* Release the line */
resetSDOline(d, line);
} /* end if SERVER*/
else {
/* I am CLIENT */
/* It is the response for the previous initiate download request. */
/* We should find a line opened for this. */
if (!err)
err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AA5, "SDO error : Received response for unknown download request from nodeId", nodeId);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* Reset the watchdog */
index = d->transfers[line].index;
subIndex = d->transfers[line].subIndex;
/* End transmission or requesting next segment. */
getSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, &nbBytes);
if (nbBytes == 0) {
MSG_WAR(0x3AA6, "SDO End download expedited. Response received. from nodeId", nodeId);
d->transfers[line].state = SDO_FINISHED;
if(d->transfers[line].Callback) (*d->transfers[line].Callback)(d,nodeId);
return 0x00;
if (nbBytes > 7) {
/* more than one request to send */
/* code to send the next segment. (cs = 0; c = 0) */
data[0] = (d->transfers[line].toggle << 4);
err = lineToSDO(d, line, 7, data + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
else {
/* Last segment.*/
/* code to send the last segment. (cs = 0; c = 1) */
data[0] = (UNS8)((d->transfers[line].toggle << 4) | ((7 - nbBytes) << 1) | 1);
err = lineToSDO(d, line, nbBytes, data + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
for (i = nbBytes + 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3AA7, "SDO sending download segment to nodeId", nodeId);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
} /* end if I am a CLIENT */
case 4:
abortCode =
(UNS32)m->data[4] |
((UNS32)m->data[5] << 8) |
((UNS32)m->data[6] << 16) |
((UNS32)m->data[7] << 24);
/* Received SDO abort. */
if (whoami == SDO_SERVER) {
if (!err) {
resetSDOline( d, line );
MSG_WAR(0x3AA8, "SD0. Received SDO abort. Line released. Code : ", abortCode);
MSG_WAR(0x3AA9, "SD0. Received SDO abort. No line found. Code : ", abortCode);
/* Tips : The end user has no way to know that the server node has received an abort SDO. */
/* Its is ok, I think.*/
else { /* If I am CLIENT */
if (!err) {
/* The line *must* be released by the core program. */
d->transfers[line].state = SDO_ABORTED_RCV;
d->transfers[line].abortCode = abortCode;
MSG_WAR(0x3AB0, "SD0. Received SDO abort. Line state ABORTED. Code : ", abortCode);
if(d->transfers[line].Callback) (*d->transfers[line].Callback)(d,nodeId);
MSG_WAR(0x3AB1, "SD0. Received SDO abort. No line found. Code : ", abortCode);
case 5: /* Command specifier for data transmission - the client or server is the data producer */
SubCommand = getSDOblockSC(m->data[0]);
if (whoami == SDO_SERVER) { /* Server block upload */
index = getSDOindex(m->data[1],m->data[2]);
subIndex = getSDOsubIndex(m->data[3]);
MSG_WAR(0x3AB2, "Received SDO Initiate block upload defined at index 0x1200 + ",
MSG_WAR(0x3AB3, "Reading at index : ", index);
MSG_WAR(0x3AB4, "Reading at subIndex : ", subIndex);
/* Search if a SDO transfer have been yet initiated */
if (! err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A93, "SDO error : Transmission yet started at line : ", line);
MSG_WAR(0x3AB5, "Server Nbr = ", CliServNbr);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* No line on use. Great !*/
/* Try to open a new line.*/
err = getSDOfreeLine( d, whoami, &line );
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A73, "SDO error : No line free, too many SDO in progress. Aborted.", 0);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
initSDOline(d, line, CliServNbr, index, subIndex, SDO_BLOCK_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS);
d->transfers[line].peerCRCsupport = ((m->data[0])>>2) & 1;
d->transfers[line].blksize = m->data[4];
/* Transfer data from dictionary to the line structure. */
errorCode = objdictToSDOline(d, line);
if (errorCode) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A95, "SDO error : Unable to copy the data from object dictionary. Err code : ",
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, errorCode);
return 0xFF;
/* Preparing the response.*/
getSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, &nbBytes); /* get Nb bytes to transfer */
d->transfers[line].objsize = nbBytes;
data[0] = (6 << 5) | (1 << 1) | SDO_BSS_INITIATE_UPLOAD_RESPONSE;
data[1] = index & 0xFF; /* LSB */
data[2] = (index >> 8) & 0xFF; /* MSB */
data[3] = subIndex;
data[4] = (UNS8) nbBytes;
data[5] = (UNS8) (nbBytes >> 8);
data[6] = (UNS8) (nbBytes >> 16);
data[7] = (UNS8) (nbBytes >> 24);
MSG_WAR(0x3A9A, "SDO. Sending normal block upload initiate response defined at index 0x1200 + ", nodeId);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
else if (SubCommand == SDO_BCS_END_UPLOAD_REQUEST) {
MSG_WAR(0x3AA2, "Received SDO block END upload request defined at index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
/* A SDO transfer should have been yet initiated. */
if (!err)
err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_BLOCK_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AA1, "SDO error : Received block upload request for unstarted trans. index 0x1200 + ",
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* Release the line */
resetSDOline(d, line);
else if ((SubCommand == SDO_BCS_UPLOAD_RESPONSE) || (SubCommand == SDO_BCS_START_UPLOAD)) {
/* A SDO transfer should have been yet initiated. */
if (!err)
err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_BLOCK_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AA1, "SDO error : Received block upload response for unstarted trans. index 0x1200 + ",
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* Reset the wathdog */
/* Uploading first or next block */
index = d->transfers[line].index;
subIndex = d->transfers[line].subIndex;
if (SubCommand == SDO_BCS_UPLOAD_RESPONSE) {
MSG_WAR(0x3AA2, "Received SDO block upload response defined at index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
d->transfers[line].blksize = m->data[2];
AckSeq = (m->data[1]) & 0x7f;
getSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, &nbBytes);
if((nbBytes == 0) && (AckSeq == d->transfers[line].seqno)){ /* Si tout est envoyé et confirmé reçu on envoi un block end upload response */
data[0] = (6 << 5) | ((d->transfers[line].endfield) << 2) | SDO_BSS_END_UPLOAD_RESPONSE;
for (i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3AA5, "SDO. Sending block END upload response defined at index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
d->transfers[line].offset = d->transfers[line].lastblockoffset + 7 * AckSeq;
if(d->transfers[line].offset > d->transfers[line].count) { /* Bad AckSeq reveived (too high) */
MSG_ERR(0x1AA1, "SDO error : Received upload response with bad ackseq index 0x1200 + ",
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
MSG_WAR(0x3AA2, "Received SDO block START upload defined at index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
d->transfers[line].lastblockoffset = (UNS8) d->transfers[line].offset;
for(SeqNo = 1 ; SeqNo <= d->transfers[line].blksize ; SeqNo++) {
d->transfers[line].seqno = SeqNo;
getSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, &nbBytes);
if (nbBytes > 7) {
/* The segment to transfer is not the last one.*/
data[0] = SeqNo;
err = lineToSDO(d, line, 7, data + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
MSG_WAR(0x3AA5, "SDO. Sending upload segment defined at index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
else {
/* Last segment is in this block */
data[0] = 0x80 | SeqNo;
err = lineToSDO(d, line, nbBytes, data + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
for (i = nbBytes + 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3AA5, "SDO. Sending last upload segment defined at index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
d->transfers[line].endfield = (UNS8) (7 - nbBytes);
} /* end if SERVER */
else { /* if CLIENT (block download) */
/* We should find a line opened for this. */
if (!err)
err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AAA, "SDO error : Received response for unknown block download request from node id", nodeId);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
/* Reset the watchdog */
index = d->transfers[line].index;
subIndex = d->transfers[line].subIndex;
d->transfers[line].peerCRCsupport = ((m->data[0])>>2) & 1;
d->transfers[line].blksize = m->data[4];
else {
d->transfers[line].blksize = m->data[2];
AckSeq = (m->data[1]) & 0x7f;
getSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, &nbBytes);
if((nbBytes == 0) && (AckSeq == d->transfers[line].seqno)){ /* Si tout est envoyé et confirmé reçu on envoi un block end download request */
data[0] = (6 << 5) | ((d->transfers[line].endfield) << 2) | SDO_BCS_END_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST;
for (i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3AA5, "SDO. Sending block END download request defined at index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
d->transfers[line].offset = d->transfers[line].lastblockoffset + 7 * AckSeq;
if(d->transfers[line].offset > d->transfers[line].count) { /* Bad AckSeq reveived (too high) */
MSG_ERR(0x1AA1, "SDO error : Received upload segment with bad ackseq index 0x1200 + ",
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
d->transfers[line].lastblockoffset = (UNS8) d->transfers[line].offset;
for(SeqNo = 1 ; SeqNo <= d->transfers[line].blksize ; SeqNo++) {
d->transfers[line].seqno = SeqNo;
getSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, &nbBytes);
if (nbBytes > 7) {
/* The segment to transfer is not the last one.*/
data[0] = SeqNo;
err = lineToSDO(d, line, 7, data + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
MSG_WAR(0x3AAB, "SDO. Sending download segment to node id ", nodeId);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
else {
/* Last segment is in this block */
data[0] = 0x80 | SeqNo;
err = lineToSDO(d, line, nbBytes, data + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
for (i = nbBytes + 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3AAB, "SDO. Sending last download segment to node id ", nodeId);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
d->transfers[line].endfield = (UNS8) (7 - nbBytes);
else if (SubCommand == SDO_BSS_END_DOWNLOAD_RESPONSE) {
MSG_WAR(0x3AAC, "SDO End block download response from nodeId", nodeId);
d->transfers[line].state = SDO_FINISHED;
if(d->transfers[line].Callback) (*d->transfers[line].Callback)(d,nodeId);
return 0x00;
else {
MSG_ERR(0x1AAB, "SDO error block download : Received wrong subcommand from nodeId", nodeId);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
} /* end if CLIENT */
case 6: /* Command specifier for data reception - the client or server is the data consumer */
if (whoami == SDO_SERVER) { /* Server block download */
if (err) {
/* Nothing already started */
SubCommand = (m->data[0]) & 1;
MSG_ERR(0x1AAC, "SDO error block download : Received wrong subcommand from node id", nodeId);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
index = getSDOindex(m->data[1],m->data[2]);
subIndex = getSDOsubIndex(m->data[3]);
MSG_WAR(0x3A9B, "Received SDO block download initiate defined at index 0x1200 + ",
MSG_WAR(0x3A9B, "Writing at index : ", index);
MSG_WAR(0x3A9B, "Writing at subIndex : ", subIndex);
/* Try to open a new line. */
err = getSDOfreeLine( d, whoami, &line );
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1A89, "SDO error : No line free, too many SDO in progress. Aborted.", 0);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
initSDOline(d, line, CliServNbr, index, subIndex, SDO_BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS);
d->transfers[line].rxstep = RXSTEP_STARTED;
d->transfers[line].peerCRCsupport = ((m->data[0])>>2) & 1;
if ((m->data[0]) & 2) /* if data set size is indicated */
d->transfers[line].objsize = (UNS32)m->data[4] + (UNS32)m->data[5]*256 + (UNS32)m->data[6]*256*256 + (UNS32)m->data[7]*256*256*256;
data[1] = (UNS8) index; /* LSB */
data[2] = (UNS8) (index >> 8); /* MSB */
data[3] = subIndex;
data[4] = SDO_BLOCK_SIZE;
data[5] = data[6] = data[7] = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3AAD, "SDO. Sending block download initiate response - index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
else if (d->transfers[line].rxstep == RXSTEP_STARTED) {
MSG_WAR(0x3A9B, "Received SDO block download data segment - index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
SeqNo = m->data[0] & 0x7F;
if (m->data[0] & 0x80) { /* Last segment ? */
if(SeqNo == (d->transfers[line].seqno + 1)) {
d->transfers[line].rxstep = RXSTEP_END;
d->transfers[line].seqno = SeqNo;
/* Store the data temporary because we don't know yet how many bytes do not contain data */
memcpy(d->transfers[line].tmpData, m->data, 8);
data[0] = (5 << 5) | SDO_BSS_DOWNLOAD_RESPONSE;
data[1] = d->transfers[line].seqno;
data[2] = SDO_BLOCK_SIZE;
data[3] = data[4] = data[5] = data[6] = data[7] = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3AAE, "SDO. Sending block download response - index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
d->transfers[line].seqno = 0;
else {
if (SeqNo == (d->transfers[line].seqno + 1)) {
d->transfers[line].seqno = SeqNo;
/* Store the data in the transfer structure. */
err = SDOtoLine(d, line, 7, (*m).data + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, d->transfers[line].index, d->transfers[line].subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
if (SeqNo == SDO_BLOCK_SIZE) {
data[0] = (5 << 5) | SDO_BSS_DOWNLOAD_RESPONSE;
data[1] = d->transfers[line].seqno;
data[2] = SDO_BLOCK_SIZE;
data[3] = data[4] = data[5] = data[6] = data[7] = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3AAE, "SDO. Sending block download response - index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
d->transfers[line].seqno = 0;
else if (d->transfers[line].rxstep == RXSTEP_END) { /* endphase */
MSG_WAR(0x3A9B, "Received SDO block download end request - index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
/* here store remaining bytes in tmpData to line, check size and confirm or abort */
if ((m->data[0] & 1) != SDO_BCS_END_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AAD, "SDO error block download : Received wrong subcommand - index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
NbBytesNoData = (m->data[0]>>2) & 0x07;
/* Store the data in the transfer structure. */
err = SDOtoLine(d, line, 7-NbBytesNoData, d->transfers[line].tmpData + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, d->transfers[line].index, d->transfers[line].subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
if(d->transfers[line].objsize){ /* If size was indicated in the initiate request */
if (d->transfers[line].objsize != d->transfers[line].offset){
MSG_ERR(0x1AAE, "SDO error block download : sizes do not match - index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, d->transfers[line].index, d->transfers[line].subIndex, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
data[0] = (5 << 5) | SDO_BSS_END_DOWNLOAD_RESPONSE;
for (i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3AAF, "SDO. Sending block download end response - index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
/* Transfering line data to object dictionary. */
errorCode = SDOlineToObjdict(d, line);
if (errorCode) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AAF, "SDO error : Unable to copy the data in the object dictionary", 0);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, d->transfers[line].index, d->transfers[line].subIndex, errorCode);
return 0xFF;
/* Release of the line */
resetSDOline(d, line);
MSG_WAR(0x3AAF, "SDO. End of block download defined at index 0x1200 + ", CliServNbr);
} /* end if SERVER */
else { /* if CLIENT (block upload) */
if (err) {
/* Nothing already started */
MSG_ERR(0x1AAD, "SDO error block upload : no transmission started", nodeId);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
if (d->transfers[line].rxstep == RXSTEP_INIT) {
if ((m->data[0] & 1) == SDO_BSS_INITIATE_UPLOAD_RESPONSE) {
MSG_WAR(0x3A9C, "Received SDO block upload response from node id ", nodeId);
d->transfers[line].rxstep = RXSTEP_STARTED;
d->transfers[line].peerCRCsupport = ((m->data[0])>>2) & 1;
if ((m->data[0]) & 2) /* if data set size is indicated */
d->transfers[line].objsize = (UNS32)m->data[4] + (UNS32)m->data[5]*256 + (UNS32)m->data[6]*256*256 + (UNS32)m->data[7]*256*256*256;
data[0] = (5 << 5) | SDO_BCS_START_UPLOAD;
for (i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3AB6, "SDO. Sending block upload start to node id ", nodeId);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
else if (d->transfers[line].rxstep == RXSTEP_STARTED) {
SeqNo = m->data[0] & 0x7F;
if (m->data[0] & 0x80) { /* Last segment ? */
if(SeqNo == (d->transfers[line].seqno + 1)) {
d->transfers[line].rxstep = RXSTEP_END;
d->transfers[line].seqno = SeqNo;
/* Store the data temporary because we don't know yet how many bytes do not contain data */
memcpy(d->transfers[line].tmpData, m->data, 8);
data[0] = (5 << 5) | SDO_BCS_UPLOAD_RESPONSE;
data[1] = d->transfers[line].seqno;
data[2] = SDO_BLOCK_SIZE;
data[3] = data[4] = data[5] = data[6] = data[7] = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3AB7, "SDO. Sending block upload response to node id ", nodeId);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
d->transfers[line].seqno = 0;
else {
if (SeqNo == (d->transfers[line].seqno + 1)) {
d->transfers[line].seqno = SeqNo;
/* Store the data in the transfer structure. */
err = SDOtoLine(d, line, 7, (*m).data + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, d->transfers[line].index, d->transfers[line].subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
if (SeqNo == SDO_BLOCK_SIZE) {
data[0] = (5 << 5) | SDO_BCS_UPLOAD_RESPONSE;
data[1] = d->transfers[line].seqno;
data[2] = SDO_BLOCK_SIZE;
data[3] = data[4] = data[5] = data[6] = data[7] = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3AAE, "SDO. Sending block upload response to node id ", nodeId);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
d->transfers[line].seqno = 0;
else if (d->transfers[line].rxstep == RXSTEP_END) { /* endphase */
/* here store remaining bytes in tmpData to line, check size and confirm or abort */
if ((m->data[0] & 1) != SDO_BSS_END_UPLOAD_RESPONSE) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AAD, "SDO error block upload : Received wrong subcommand from node id ", nodeId);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
NbBytesNoData = (m->data[0]>>2) & 0x07;
/* Store the data in the transfer structure. */
err = SDOtoLine(d, line, 7-NbBytesNoData, d->transfers[line].tmpData + 1);
if (err) {
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, d->transfers[line].index, d->transfers[line].subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
if(d->transfers[line].objsize){ /* If size was indicated in the initiate request */
if (d->transfers[line].objsize != d->transfers[line].offset){
MSG_ERR(0x1AAE, "SDO error block download : sizes do not match - from node id ", nodeId);
failedSDO(d, CliServNbr, whoami, d->transfers[line].index, d->transfers[line].subIndex, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
return 0xFF;
data[0] = (5 << 5) | SDO_BCS_END_UPLOAD_REQUEST;
for (i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
MSG_WAR(0x3AAF, "SDO. Sending block upload end request to node id ", nodeId);
sendSDO(d, whoami, CliServNbr, data);
MSG_WAR(0x3AAF, "SDO. End of block upload request", 0);
d->transfers[line].state = SDO_FINISHED;
if(d->transfers[line].Callback) (*d->transfers[line].Callback)(d,nodeId);
} /* end if CLIENT */
/* Error : Unknown cs */
MSG_ERR(0x1AB2, "SDO. Received unknown command specifier : ", cs);
return 0xFF;
} /* End switch */
return 0;
** @param d
** @param nodeId
** @return
** 0xFF : No SDO client available
** 0xFE : Not found
** otherwise : SDO client number
UNS8 GetSDOClientFromNodeId( CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId )
UNS8 SDOfound = 0;
UNS8 CliNbr;
UNS16 lastIndex;
UNS16 offset;
UNS8 nodeIdServer;
offset = d->firstIndex->SDO_CLT;
lastIndex = d->lastIndex->SDO_CLT;
if (offset == 0) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AC6, "No SDO client index found for nodeId ", nodeId);
return 0xFF;
CliNbr = 0;
while (offset <= lastIndex) {
if (d->objdict[offset].bSubCount <= 3) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AC8, "Subindex 3 not found at index ", 0x1280 + CliNbr);
return 0xFF;
/* looking for the server nodeId */
nodeIdServer = *((UNS8*) d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[3].pObject);
MSG_WAR(0x1AD2, "index : ", 0x1280 + CliNbr);
MSG_WAR(0x1AD3, "nodeIdServer : ", nodeIdServer);
if(nodeIdServer == nodeId) {
SDOfound = 1;
} /* end while */
if (!SDOfound) {
MSG_WAR(0x1AC9, "SDO No preset client found to communicate with node : ", nodeId);
return 0xFE;
MSG_WAR(0x3AD0," SDO client defined at index : ", 0x1280 + CliNbr);
MSG_WAR(0x3AC0, "Send SDO to write in the dictionary of node : ", nodeId);
MSG_WAR(0x3AC1, " At index : ", index);
MSG_WAR(0x3AC2, " subIndex : ", subIndex);
MSG_WAR(0x3AC3, " nb bytes : ", count);
/* First let's find the corresponding SDO client in our OD */
CliNbr = GetSDOClientFromNodeId( d, nodeId);
if(CliNbr >= 0xFE)
return CliNbr;
/* Verify that there is no SDO communication yet. */
err = getSDOlineOnUse(d, CliNbr, SDO_CLIENT, &line);
if (!err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AC4, "SDO error : Communication yet established. with node : ", nodeId);
return 0xFF;
/* Taking the line ... */
err = getSDOfreeLine( d, SDO_CLIENT, &line );
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AC5, "SDO error : No line free, too many SDO in progress. Aborted for node : ", nodeId);
return (0xFF);
MSG_WAR(0x3AE1, "Transmission on line : ", line);
if(useBlockMode) {
initSDOline(d, line, CliNbr, index, subIndex, SDO_BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS);
d->transfers[line].objsize = count;
initSDOline(d, line, CliNbr, index, subIndex, SDO_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS);
d->transfers[line].count = count;
d->transfers[line].dataType = dataType;
UNS8* lineData = d->transfers[line].data;
d->transfers[line].dynamicData = (UNS8*) malloc(count);
d->transfers[line].dynamicDataSize = count;
if (d->transfers[line].dynamicData == NULL)
MSG_ERR(0x1AC9, "SDO. Error. Could not allocate enough bytes : ", count);
return 0xFE;
lineData = d->transfers[line].dynamicData;
/* Copy data to transfers structure. */
for (j = 0 ; j < count ; j++) {
if (dataType == 0 && endianize)
lineData[count - 1 - j] = ((char *)data)[j];
else /* String of bytes. */
lineData[j] = ((char *)data)[j];
# else
lineData[j] = ((char *)data)[j];
# endif
if (dataType == 0 && endianize)
d->transfers[line].data[count - 1 - j] = ((char *)data)[j];
else /* String of bytes. */
d->transfers[line].data[j] = ((char *)data)[j];
# else
d->transfers[line].data[j] = ((char *)data)[j];
# endif
if(useBlockMode) {
buf[0] = (6 << 5) | (1 << 1 ); /* CCS = 6 , CC = 0 , S = 1 , CS = 0 */
for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
buf[i+4] = (UNS8)((count >> (i<<3))); /* i*8 */
else {
/* Send the SDO to the server. Initiate download, cs=1. */
if (count <= 4) { /* Expedited transfer */
buf[0] = (UNS8)((1 << 5) | ((4 - count) << 2) | 3);
for (i = 4 ; i < 8 ; i++)
buf = d->transfers[line].data[i - 4];
d->transfers[line].offset = count;
else { /** Normal transfer */
buf[0] = (1 << 5) | 1;
for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
buf[i+4] = (UNS8)((count >> (i<<3))); /* i*8 */
buf[1] = index & 0xFF; /* LSB */
buf[2] = (index >> 8) & 0xFF; /* MSB */
buf[3] = subIndex;
d->transfers[line].Callback = Callback;
err = sendSDO(d, SDO_CLIENT, CliNbr, buf);
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AD1, "SDO. Error while sending SDO to node : ", nodeId);
/* release the line */
resetSDOline(d, line);
return 0xFF;
MSG_WAR(0x3AD5, "Send SDO to read in the dictionary of node : ", nodeId);
MSG_WAR(0x3AD6, " At index : ", index);
MSG_WAR(0x3AD7, " subIndex : ", subIndex);
/* First let's find the corresponding SDO client in our OD */
CliNbr = GetSDOClientFromNodeId( d, nodeId);
if(CliNbr >= 0xFE)
return CliNbr;
/* Verify that there is no SDO communication yet. */
err = getSDOlineOnUse(d, CliNbr, SDO_CLIENT, &line);
if (!err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AD8, "SDO error : Communication yet established. with node : ", nodeId);
return 0xFF;
/* Taking the line ... */
err = getSDOfreeLine( d, SDO_CLIENT, &line );
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AD9, "SDO error : No line free, too many SDO in progress. Aborted for node : ", nodeId);
return (0xFF);
MSG_WAR(0x3AE0, "Transmission on line : ", line);
if(useBlockMode) {
initSDOline(d, line, CliNbr, index, subIndex, SDO_BLOCK_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS);
/* Send the SDO to the server. Initiate block upload, cs=0. */
d->transfers[line].dataType = dataType;
data[1] = index & 0xFF; /* LSB */
data[2] = (index >> 8) & 0xFF; /* MSB */
data[3] = subIndex;
data[4] = SDO_BLOCK_SIZE;
for (i = 5 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
else {
initSDOline(d, line, CliNbr, index, subIndex, SDO_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS);
/* Send the SDO to the server. Initiate upload, cs=2. */
d->transfers[line].dataType = dataType;
data[0] = (2 << 5);
data[1] = index & 0xFF; /* LSB */
data[2] = (index >> 8) & 0xFF; /* MSB */
data[3] = subIndex;
for (i = 4 ; i < 8 ; i++)
data = 0;
d->transfers[line].Callback = Callback;
err = sendSDO(d, SDO_CLIENT, CliNbr, data);
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AE5, "SDO. Error while sending SDO to node : ", nodeId);
/* release the line */
resetSDOline(d, line);
return 0xFF;
return 0;
** @param d
** @param nodeId
** @param data
** @param size : *size MUST contain the size of *data buffer before calling
** The function set it to the actual number of written bytes
** @param abortCode
** @return
** SDO_PROVIDED_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if *data is not big enough
** or any transmission status value.
UNS8 getReadResultNetworkDict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, void* data, UNS32 *size,
UNS32 * abortCode)
UNS32 i;
UNS8 err;
UNS8 CliNbr;
UNS8 line;
* abortCode = 0;
/* First let's find the corresponding SDO client in our OD */
CliNbr = GetSDOClientFromNodeId(d, nodeId);
if(CliNbr >= 0xFE) {
*size = 0;
/* Looking for the line tranfert. */
err = getSDOlineOnUse(d, CliNbr, SDO_CLIENT, &line);
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AF0, "SDO error : No line found for communication with node : ", nodeId);
*size = 0;
/* If transfer not finished just return, but if aborted set abort code and size to 0 */
if (d->transfers[line].state != SDO_FINISHED) {
if((d->transfers[line].state == SDO_ABORTED_RCV) || (d->transfers[line].state == SDO_ABORTED_INTERNAL)) {
*abortCode = d->transfers[line].abortCode;
*size = 0;
return d->transfers[line].state;
/* if SDO initiated with e=0 and s=0 count is null, offset carry effective size*/
if( d->transfers[line].count == 0)
d->transfers[line].count = d->transfers[line].offset;
/* Check if the provided buffer is big enough */
if(*size < d->transfers[line].count) {
*size = 0;
/* Give back actual size */
*size = d->transfers[line].count;
/* Copy payload to data pointer */
UNS8 *lineData = d->transfers[line].data;
/* First let's find the corresponding SDO client in our OD */
CliNbr = GetSDOClientFromNodeId(d, nodeId);
if(CliNbr >= 0xFE)
/* Looking for the line tranfert. */
err = getSDOlineOnUse(d, CliNbr, SDO_CLIENT, &line);
if (err) {
MSG_ERR(0x1AF1, "SDO error : No line found for communication with node : ", nodeId);
* abortCode = d->transfers[line].abortCode;
if (d->transfers[line].state != SDO_FINISHED)
return d->transfers[line].state;
resetSDOline(d, line);
SDO(Service Data Object)使用Client-Server模式建立起点到点的通讯并实现了对对象字典中条目的读写。其中被访问的对象字典的所在设备作为Server,访问对象字典的设备作为client。参考下图。SDO采用的请求应答模式,每次SDO访问都会有2条CAN的数据帧对应。一条是请求,一条是应答。