Bits 23:22 ENCODER_MODE: Encoder mode
This bit is set and cleared by software.
00: No redirection.
01: TIM2 IC1 and TIM2 IC2 are connected to TIM15 IC1 and TIM15 IC2 respectively.
10: TIM3 IC1 and TIM3 IC2 are connected to TIM15 IC1 and TIM15 IC2
respectively (STM32F302xB/C devices only).
11: TIM4 IC1 and TIM4 IC2 are connected to TIM15 IC1 and TIM15 IC2
respectively(STM32F302xB/C devices only).
Bit 21 I2C2_FMP: I2C2 fast mode Plus driving capability
这里有提到编码器模式,使用单独的TIM2或TIM3就可以完成M法测速,是不需要配置SYSCFG_CFGR1寄存器的,我想这里应该是可以配合TIM15实现M/T法测速,但是把IC1 IC2连接,还是没有办法利用TIM15的XOR功能,手册上也没有讲,官网也找不到demo,不知道是怎么操作实现的。