@par How to use it ?
In order to make the program work, you must do the following:
- Copy all source files from this example folder to the template folder under
- Open your preferred toolchain
- Select the project workspace related to the used device
- If "STM32F40_41xxx" is selected as default project Add the following files in the project source list:
- Utilities\STM32_EVAL\STM3240_41_G_EVAL\stm324xg_eval.c
- If "STM32F427_437xx" is selected as default project Add the following files in the project source list:
- Utilities\STM32_EVAL\STM324x7I_EVAL\stm324x7i_eval.c
- If "STM32F429_439xx" is selected as default project Add the following files in the project source list:
- Utilities\STM32_EVAL\STM324x9I_EVAL\stm324x9i_eval.c
- Rebuild all files and load your image into target memory
- Run the example